Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Crazy 48 Hours

Well I can honestly say that this has been the most adventurous and eventful trip I have ever had home...ever. On my way home I stopped in Vicksburg at the outlet mall and realized that I had forgotten my debit card and the memory card for my new camera. I should have known right then something was wrong. Within an hour of walking in the door I met my new "niece" Ginger only to find out that just moments before I got in town my sister had gotten rid of her dog Lucy. No one had warned me that I was walking in to a heartbroken sister who was grieving over getting rid of her great dane. Long story...but Lucy has a great home in the country now.

The next morning I got up early to finish some Christmas shopping with my dad and got some lunch at Dreamland bar-b-que (yummy). Before I had a chance to get to my mom's house that afternoon I got a call from her neighbor, Lou saying that she was on the way to the hospital in an ambulance having chest pains. 17 years ago at Christmas time my mom has a massive heart attack so this is always scary territory for us. I quickly got to the hospital where we spent the evening in the ER before she was admitted to the cardiac ICU. All the tests and blood work seemed to indicate there had been no heart attack but mom was in a lot of pain so they wanted to keep her for observation. The next morning I headed to the hospital for the 9am visitation but when I arrived they had taken her for her stress test and said she wouldn't be back in her for several hours. I decided to mess around in the area and get some last minute shopping done instead of waiting in the waiting room...BIG MISTAKE. I went to Target and got a few things, among which was some Starbucks coffee. I then headed to Walmart and to pick up a gift card for my dad at the movie theater....little did I know I was going to have a wreck. I ended up wrecking my car in the parking fault...and hit a lady who is very much out to get everything she can from my insurance company. Fun times. Poor little Explorer! I was fine, just mad.

Luckily the car is still got out of the hospital in time to spend Christmas as home and the 48 hours of drama were OVER. I did wake up on Christmas Eve with a full blown case of bronchitis which is still hanging over my head but I can deal with being sick.

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