Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis The Season...

The holiday season beginning with Thanksgiving and going all the way through New Years is my absolute favorite time of year. I love that people are generally in chipper moods (not all, but most). I love the decorations...especially driving around looking at white christmas lights on houses. I love the food...I could swim in my dad's cornbread dressing. And I LOVE THE MUSIC. I have been playing my Christmas music since long before Thanksgiving. I am usually opposed to such things because I don't like to bypass Thanksgiving..BUT...I have realized that one of the things that I am so thankful for is this season and the birth of Christ so why just limit it to the 31 days of December. If you don't agree that's fine, we can still be friends but it's my blog and I can write what I want.

Here are just some my favorite Christmas songs thus far this no particular order. If you're looking for something to listen to this are just my suggestions.
* O Holy Night sung by Martina McBride (you can't find a better version)
*Joy to the World and All I want for Christmas is You sung by Mariah Carey
*I'll Be Home for Christmas sung by Anne Murray
*Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas sung by "ole blue eyes"...Frank Sinatra
*Born to Die and Glory in the Highest sung by Shane & Shane
*Breath of Heaven and Grown Up Christmas List sung by Amy Grant
*Don't Save it All For Christmas sung by Avalon
*Christmas in Dixie sung by Alabama

That's a good start....hope you enjoy.

And if you're looking for a good Christmas movie here are my top picks for the holiday season. You will find these movies playing non-stop in my DVD player from now until January.
*Christmas Vacation
*The Holiday
I know these aren't the classics like White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life but I enjoy a good laugh and these three never disappoint.

In other holiday news....I have set a fist ever record for completing my Christmas shopping. I was done with my shopping before Thanksgiving Day with the exception of one gift that has since been ordered. I usually don't get my shopping done until, oh, the Christmas Eve. I think this year is was possible because I always feel pressured to get the "perfect" gift (which doesn't exist) and make sure that I don't jip someone out of a good gift if they get me something really good. The pressure was off this year. Financial hardship has fallen on the Thomas family because of unemployment or retirement and I am pretty much the only one giving gifts this year. I am excited to be able to give to my family with no expectation of a gift in return and it completely took the pressure off finding the perfect gift. Who would have thought?

My house has also been overcome with the smell of all things pumpkin baking in the oven...fresh ground coffee with peppermint mocha creamer...and the aroma of homemade gumbo and chicken and dumplings. I just love being home and being domestic this time of year. I just love sitting in my living room with nothing but the lights of my christmas tree filling the room. So, are you catching what I am throwing out here? I LOVE THE HOLIDAY SEASON!!!

I wish all of you a happy and healthy holiday...tis the season in deed, shall we not forget the reason why we celebrate.

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