Tuesday, June 21, 2011

life lately...

Well summer time has arrived....my favorite time of the year I must add. I love all things summer! I haven't really blogged much because nothing really blog worthy is going on. This will be a catch all entry an attempt to let you know what I've been up to so far this summer.

There's been a trip to Dry Creek to speak at Girl's Opp with Kristen and Kellie...there has been my version of pool time (with and without friends)...there has been lots of grilling and eating watermelon. The latest adventure has been the purchase of a kayak. I haven't gotten it out yet but hopefully as soon as I get back from Uganda. Oh yeah....did I mention I am going back to Africa next week? I am leading another team for ISF to my Uganda for two glorious weeks and then after I return I will be going to the beach with the Chandlers. So I am pretty much going to be off work the whole month of July...GLORY! That's just a glimpse into my uneventful but fabulous summer.

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