Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas 2012

I am not really sure where the time goes. I really feel like we just kicked off the fall semester and here I sit in my office getting ready for the spring semester. All that to say, Christmas break snuck up on me and then was gone in a flash. I was able to make a quick trip home to Alabama before heading to South Africa (that will be another entry). And what a memorable Christmas it was.

Last Christmas I stayed with my sister who didn't have cable or internet at her house at the time. The result of the boredom led to a speed read through the Hunger Games trilogy. It was a great way to spend some time off completely consumed by a guilty pleasure. I felt it was such a great use of time that I went for a round two this Christmas with a marathon viewing of the show Downton Abbey. I seriously watched two seasons in three days and I am hopelessly and completely addicted to the show now. Season three kicked off this past Sunday evening and I assure you I was found in front of the TV.

The other highlight was our tribute to the Grizwald Family from Christmas Vacation. If you recall in the movie when cousin Eddie shows up in an RV that he parked in Clark's driveway to camp out for a month....well that was us this year. Matti (my dog) doesn't get along with Maggie (my dad's dog) so in order for us to keep peace and all stay together we pulled their RV up beside their trailor at the lake. Me and my sister and our dogs stayed in the camper. Every time I walked outside I found myself saying, "Clark, this here is an RV."

Here are just a few pictures to give you a glimpse in our Christmas....

Here is my stash of Christmas presents....I racked up.
Here is one of my favorite Christmas presents...
Christmas wore Matti out

And this is a picture of Daizy at the Acres of Hope Christmas feast that we were blessed to be able to help with. This is her Christmas dress that she wanted and her new hair do....Merry Christmas sweet girl!