Friday, May 18, 2012

out with the old and in with the new

The end of this semester ran me over like a freight train if I am being honest. I saw this picture on facebook and thought it fit my last few weeks perfectly...
No need to go into detail....suffice to say that some times working with people is frustrating and when those people are college students who sway back and forth rapidly between wanting to be treated like adults but act like children...well then you just want to stab someone with a fork, even if it is yourself :) As I wrap up this year I just have to look back on all we have done. It really has been a good year but not an easy one. Transitions are hard and learning new things isn't always fun. This year I have been putting the posters from events on my door, so it was fun to close my door the other day and just look back on what has been accomplished and the fun memories that come with each of those events. I think I am going to continue to layer the posters each year so one day I can look back on years of events and memories. Here is my door after one year...
NOW....out with last year and time to tranisition to the new year coming up. I finished out the semester by meeting with the newly selected Welcome Week Leaders/Student Orientation Staff. They are a fun group of kids...lots of new faces. I am looking forward to working with them this year.
More catching up to do...slowly but surely.

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