Friday, May 25, 2012


Yep! That's correct. For the first time in my adult life I am completely debt free. I now own my car and both of my degrees outright! I paid the last payment on my undergrad student loan on Wednesday and I no longer owe anyone money. I cannot tell you what a great feeling that is. In fact when I checked to make sure I didn't have any thing on my credit card to pay off before I wrote the check for my student loan, I discovered I had a $123 credit on my credit card. After an unexpected visit to the vet this morning that $123 and then some are gone....but still I am debt free. I've made a promise to myself not to even entertain getting into a mortgage for at least two years so that I can save up a good down payment. But that is the goal towards owning my own home in the near future.Here's to debt free living!!

1 comment:

Jaden Allred said...

That’s great, Keri Beth! This means getting rid of credit cards too, however. I hope you’re still debt free up to this day. The key to keeping the drive to live a debt free life is to commit that this would be your daily religion. Visualize it positively! ;]