Thursday, September 5, 2013

James 1:27

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." (New Living Translation)

This verse is one that has become near and dear to my heart. My desire isn't to have solid religion...but to know Jesus, love Jesus and every day strive to be more like Him. That being said, I think this is a verse that for too long the church has neglected to take at face value. God doesn't desire that we take care of orphans and widows, he commands it.

If you've followed my story any in the last few years it's no secret that Jesus has awakened my heart to orphans. Through many trips to Uganda my world has been wrecked and my passions have shifted to caring for, advocating for and meeting the needs of a specific group of orphans at Acres of Hope. I can honestly say that I fail miserably at living out most of scripture but this is a verse that won't let me go.

Why do I bring this up? Well first let me say that the previous post I wrote about Matti got over 200 views and within 24 hours of posting it...thanks to your help...Matti has a new home! This is the most bittersweet feeling that I could possibly have. This transition is necessary but not easy. Matti's new owner will be coming to get her on September 21st and I am already dreading that day. Another confession....I have been a basket case since that phone call ended. The last several days I have been on the verge of tears all day, every day. My heart aches even though I have the utmost confidence that she is going to a great home and will be well loved.

Last night as I was driving home from Life Group something occurred to a way that only God could orchestrate, He has laid before me a beautiful opportunity to live out James 1:27. The reason I am having to re-home Matti is because of a specific call He has given me to care for an orphan named Daizy. But listen to how incredible our heavenly Father is...the lady who is adopting Matti is a widow. I was told before I ever got the call that she was a widow and that she had a large breed dog that passed away 3 months ago. Her first words to me when she called were "I'm lonesome....I just need a companion." At that moment I started crying. If there was ever a loving, loyal, faithful companion in the form of a canine it is Matti Thomas. For almost 7 years she has been my constant companion. She has loved me through some major ups and downs...seasons of depression and seasons of great joy. That dog has kept me company, helped clean my floors, licked my tears and made me laugh on a daily basis. And in some strange ways Matti has prepared me for motherhood. Please don't take offense to that all you mothers out there. I don't mean to make light of motherhood, especially since I have not experienced it, yet. But having a pet that is well loved is demanding and requires time and patience. So about the same time that Daizy was born I was taking in a dependent of another kind who has been helping prepare me for motherhood. Last night the Lord helped me realize that I had helped groom this fur-baby to meet the need of a sweet widow who needs the love and companionship from Matti that I have had for the last 7 years. And as cheesy as that may sound, the clinched fists of my heart were loosened last night as I realized how the Lord was working to make James 1:27 come to life in our story.

Don't get me wrong....September 21st is going to suck. I will cry. I will cry again. I will cry some more. But to everything there is a season and I am embracing this new season of life and the changes that are coming with it. Once again I am overwhelmed by the Lord's provision, his loving kindness and his goodness to me.

And to those who have asked....YES....this is an open adoption. Matti will be a little over an hour away. I won't get to see her often but I trust her new owner will send me an occasional picture and from time to time allow Daizy and I to come visit.


The Heart Of A Woman said...

This post gave me chills! Love you kb

kb thomas said...

Thanks Casey! Love you too!