Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Not Just a Catholic Thing

Every year at this time I go through the inner struggle of what I will give up for the lent season. Lent is a Catholic ritual of fasting from Ash Wednesday until Resurrection Sunday. Essentially it is a little over 6 weeks of fasting from a given item. While it is traditionally a Catholic thing I like the concept behind lent. As believers I think fasting is a healthy form of spiritual discipline. Fasting is willing abstaining from something which gives fleshly pleasure for the purpose of focusing intentionally on God and his provision for us.

With all that said, in years past I have given up sweet tea, soft drinks, desserts and the list goes on. I may have one or two weak moments in that time period but for the most part it goes fairly well. This year I really wanted a challenge. It had to be something realistic but something that would be difficult at the same time. Fasting from facebook, my iPhone, music were really all out of the question. When I took a look at my check register and where I spend the most unnecessary money the choice was clear. This year, starting tomorrow WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25th I am officially fasting from all FAST FOOD. Wow, that hurt to type.

There are several big opportunities coming my way so I hope to use this time to focus on intentionally praying through those decisions. I also have Amy's wedding coming up in May so lets just be honest....I hope to see some weight loss from this fast as well. The reason I am posting this on my blog is because now I have openly given each of you free reign to hold me accountable.

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