Sunday, May 17, 2009

Unexpected Surgery

So I found this knot in my side almost two years ago and after having an MRI done which showed nothing abnormal my doctor told me it was probably a fat tumor and it was not a big deal unless it started bothering me. Fast forward to two years later and the once golf ball size tumor is now the size of a nerf football. I went to the doctor on Monday to see about getting medicine for headaches and just happened to point out the overly large tumor in my side. Before I knew it he was scheduling me to see a surgeon on Wednesday morning. After going to Dr. Aguilar (the surgeon) on Wednesday he said the lipoma needed to be taken out and asked me when I wanted to do it. Thinking "as soon as possible" would mean in the next few weeks I foolishly said "as soon as possible." Crazy soon as possible ended up being on Friday at 10:15am. It has been a whirlwind week to say the least but I am home and well after having a fairly large tumor which I affectionately have named Alice, removed from my side. The tumor was about 8 inches long and about 3 inches deep so I am hoping to see a good 10lbs come off the scale this week when the fluid and swelling go down.

I was also put on a migraine prevention medicine that is supposedly going to help me lose anywhere from 60 to 100lbs so watch out comes lean, mean, skinny kabes (hopefully).

this is me pre-surgery with the IV in place to get some "happy" drugs

here is my sweet daddy and nurse for the weekend

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