Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Birthday Dog

March 2nd was Matti's 3rd birthday....my baby girl isn't a baby anymore! Now of course she doesn't think that. In fact the morning of her birthday she crawled up in my lap while I was reading my Bible and drinking coffee and put her head on my shoulder just to snuggle and get my attention. I just can't believe she's been in my life for three years. I honestly have a hard time remembering life without her. I definitely treat her like my child so I know many of you were probably shocked to not get a birthday party invitation in the mail...but she did get birthday presents, fear not. She isn't much of a toy dog anymore so she got a peanut butter flavored bone and a new ball to play fetch with in the backyard. Shame on me though....the ball is too big for her mouth so when she runs to get it she can't pick it up! Oops! She also got a special birthday meal. Usually she only gets dry food but for her birthday I picked up some can food and she LOVED IT. Of course I took pictures of the birthday girl so enjoy.

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