Monday, February 6, 2012


So the new background is inspired by what is currently swimming in my head right now and sort of overwhelming my life. NUMBERS!! What numbers you ask? No I haven't switched jobs to accounting. This past week I was out of work for three days due to a nasty sinus infection that caused vertigo like was hell to be honest. I certainly felt like I was swimming all week and whatever room I was sitting in was spinning out of control. That's not where the numbers come from though.

In the process of seeing a doctor for my sinus infection I found myself in front of doctor who was honest with me for the first time ever. I'm a crafty soul who always seems to find overweight doctors so that I don't have to worry about them telling me I need to lose weight. NOT THE CASE ON THURSDAY. The conversation started with my blood pressure being a little high and then went downhill from there. She was really nice until I kept talking about my family history and then she got brutal. Bottom line...I got a wake up call and an ultimatum from the doctor to lose weight and get my BP down...NOW! None of this was a shock honestly but something in me just needed to hear a doctor tell me I am killing myself.

So now I am swimming in numbers....blood pressure numbers, number of calories I can eat in a day, number of minutes I need to exercise, numbers I need to see falling on the scale and the list goes on.

The weekend was filled with cleaning out the pantry and getting ready to make some lifestyle changes. Since Thursday I have lost 6lbs and have had some small victories so far. My goal is to walk three mornings a week before work....MONDAY MORNING 6:30am walk...CHECK! The other small victory was going to a super bowl party last night and taking my own food so I wasn't tempted to eat things I didn't need to...CHECK!

If you've followed my blog for any length of time you are probably already doubting my ability to follow through...and rightfully so. Here's what I need from you: 1. pray for my mind to be different this time 2. pray that I would have discipline to see this through 3. pray that the benefits would outweigh the difficulty....PRAY FOR ME when you think about it. I can't do this by myself and I know that. The way I have been living for the last 34 years has gotten me here so something has to change to get different results.

Here's what I am preaching to myself these days
1. I AM AN ATHLETE IN TRAINING (Chris Powell: Choosing to Lose)
2. I have to be a person of integrity and keep the committments I make to myself! (same book)

Here are my goals:
Get under 200lbs (long term)
Get my blood pressure to 115/65 (short term)
Get to a size 12 (long term)
Ultimately I would love to lose about 120lbs but I have set Christmas Day of this year to have the first 75lbs off

And my reward aside from feeling better and looking better....when I get under 200lbs I am going SKY DIVING...I've always wanted to do that and have always weighed too much to do that's going to be one of my rewards at the end of this journey.

May the numbers DRIVE ME....not drive me crazy!


Whitney said...

Seriously I know you can do this! Too bad we don't live closer...I need a workout partner. It's no fun working out with Scott because he's not normal and he thinks it's fun to workout. I on the other hand don't enjoy it too much, especially when I have to do it by myself.

Shannon said...