Monday, March 26, 2012

Busy Weekend!

So I just thought I was done with projects at my apartment...who am I kidding? This girl loves change. This weekend I decided to conquer my little patio area at my backdoor. It has become my little concrete oasis. I realized that most of my plants are just greenary so I decided I could jazz it up for the summer by painting the furniture bright fun colors. I was kind of doubting myself so I checked out pinterest and sure enough found a picture for the exact look I was going for. Thanks for validating me pinterest. Here is the before picture of one of the chairs

And the after shot...


On Saturday I went downtown to our local farmer's market. Two different local farmers bring a load of produce downtown and sell on the weekends. This was the first weekend I made it down there and apparently didn't get there early enough...most of the good stuff was gone. I did manage to get a huge head of cabbage and some fresh dill.

I told you that cabbage was HUGE!!

If you're looking for a great summer dip try adding a cup of light mayo, a cup of sour cream and lots of fresh dill in the food processor and chop it up really well. It taste great with veggies or chips. And if you want something really delcious toss some fresh shrimp in the mix and put it on french bread and toast it with some fresh parmesan for just a few minutes. Yummy! For an even healthier dip you can try the dill with greek yogurt intead of mayo and sour cream.

After waking up last week with bites all over my face I decided it was time to try to ween Matti off of sleeping in the bed with me. I'm most certain it was mosquito bites but it was enough to make me kick ole girl to the curb. She takes up a lot of the bed and I find myself sleeping crooked around her most of the night. It's a good move for us both. So I brought the ottoman to my oversized chair up to my room and she seems to love it. She won't even get in my bed when I call her now. She finally crawled in with me during the wee hours of the morning today when the apartment was freezing. Moral of the story....not a big deal to Matti to move out of the bed, KB is having to adjust.

And she thought she was being sneaky grabbing scraps out the trash while I was cooking the other night. You would think that I never feed the poor girl...she has to rummage through the trash to eat. Yeah right!

And this is how I left her this morning when I went to work. It was so cold in the apartment that she figured out how to get under that blanket and cover up. What a life.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Matti is so stinkin cute! Love the redo of the patio furniture!