Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bucket List

Well it is official....I HAVE LOST MY MIND! Somewhere in all my seasons of watching The Biggest Loser I got the idea in mind that one day I wanted to do a marathon. I am a runner by no means. In fact I am pretty sure when I run I look like I am simply walking while having a seizure. It's not pretty and it doesn't happen for long. Even still it has been something on my bucket list for several years now.

This past weekend made one year since I had my world rocked by a doctor who told me it was time to lose weight if I wanted to live to see my 40's. Though I didn't reach my goal I have lost and kept off 35lbs this year. It's time to jump start again and get the next 35lbs off. And what better way to do that???? Well why not register for a half marathon. Seriously?!?! I've lost my mind.

Before you get too worried or too excited...we are taking baby steps here. The Biggest Loser is doing a runwalk marathon tour this year. I figured this is bound to be the most non-intimidating half marathon I could register for. The fact that you have an option to register as a "WALKER" means this is my kind of race!

This past weekend I started training because the big day is coming up APRIL 6th! I'll keep you updated on my progress. Half marathon here we come!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

That's awesome!! I so wish I lived closer, I would totally do it with you!