Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Training Update

So as the half marathon draws closer, training is in full swing. I have been walking/running consistently for three weeks now. I did two weeks of putting in 3.1 miles (5K) at least 4 days a week. This week it was time to step up my game and put in a few 6.2 mile days. I won't lie...I have been dreading this moment. Monday was the day. And then it rained. I was quite relieved and at the same time had another full day on Tuesday to dread the unknown. Well I can officially say that Amy and I put in 6.5 miles last night like champs. In fact when it was all said and done we both felt we had more in us. Maybe there is something to pushing past the wall. Dread has left the building and a spirit of "this is doable" is taking it's place.

So why a half marathon? Well for a year now I have steadily been chipping away at my weight loss goal of losing 100+ pounds. I have just hit a wall....not gaining, but not losing and that's frustrating. Something had to change. There needed to be a new motivation. I am surrounded by people in my church who are CrossFit crazy, marathon runners, etc. I love my little granola head community but they are living in a world I don't understand and can't compete in. I am so thankful that I have never felt left out because of it and in return a little fire has been lit inside of me that says....why not? Why not try it? Who says you can't do it?

When the Biggest Loser started incorporating a marathon as the final challenege for contestant years ago, it was something that I secretly put on my bucket list of things to do. So this was the year that I decided to prove to myself I could do it. I can be afraid to fail or afraid to try....OR I can conquer that fear and be proud of myself. It won't be won't be pretty...BUT IT'S POSSIBLE. And the added perk is that while my focus isn't on losing weight right now hopefully it will be a beautiful side note to this challenge.

NOTE: I felt great last night when I finished that 6.5 miles but today I can hardly move and I have been waddling when I walk. No pain. No gain.

Half marathon I am coming at you with a vengeance!!

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