Monday, February 21, 2011

sticky situation

I haven't posted in the last week because honestly there hasn't been anything post worthy. However, that all changed this weekend. I was making a minor repair at the apartment that required the use of super glue and got it on more than the item I was glueing. The metal tube had gotten bent one too many times apparently to the point it was split open. When I went to squeeze the tube my hand was filled with super glue and I had a mini panic attack. All I could think to do at this point was not let my fingers touch. Before that I grapped for a napkin and realized that wasn't bright because I now had a brown napkin stuck to my hands. After holding my hand out to let the glue dry I began trying to peel it off. OUCH! That's not gonna work because I am getting more than just glue when I pull. Where do you go when you need useless or useful information...thank you GOOGLE app on my iPhone. Almost instantly I found a recommendation to use acetone based nail polish remover. Of course I had none so with nasty hand and all I made a quick trip to walmart. Thank you Walmart for selling 100% pure acetone...which by the way I got carded to buy. Apparently when I am in a panic state with my hands covered in super glue I look younger than 18...good to know. Once I got home it only took a few minute of soaking them in acetone to dissolve the glue and we were back to normal with just some out of control dryness to deal with...I'll take it.

So there is your handy tip for the day. If ever you get super glue on your hands or somewhere you didn't intend you now know that pure acetone will do the trick every time.

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