Saturday, May 7, 2011

fundraising and hoodlems

Odd title, right? Well this week my time has been consumed by one of the two. This time of year is always interesting on a college campus because wrapping up the year and finishing finals always leaves the natives restless. Seriously, with less than a week left of school students lose their minds. This week has been full of dealing with the police, sitting in disciplinary hearings, breaking up fights, catching thieves...and all this time I thought I was just the Residence Life Director. I am convinced that between my experiences the last five years (yes five years...we will talk about this in a minute) at LC and my addiction to Criminal Minds that I could totally get a job in law enforcement with no formal training. Needless to say that students have seen the crunk side of Kabes this week!

As for five years at LC...that's a record kids. Aside from my time in school I haver never stayed in one place longer than 2 years. At the two year point at LC I made it my personal goal to get to my five year recognition. On Thursday night we had our recognition banquet and I DID IT!! A new record that I am proud to hold.

And then there is fundraising. This week has been all about fundraising for Uganda. I found out two weeks ago that our trip was almost $1000 more than last year because of gas prices. Needless to say this rattled me and my human nature wanted to bow out of the trip but the wise ones in my life reminded me that the Lord will provide. Amber and I quickly put our thinking caps on to figure out how we could raise the money. On Wednesday night one of our local businesses, SPLURGE FROZEN YOGURT,allowed us to do a fundraiser and committed 10% of their sales for the night. In addition, they donated two $20 gift cards for us to raffle off. Between donataions, raffle sales and revenue we made $610 in just three hours. The store owners were blown away at how many people came out to support two individuals. Even after this fundraiser I still had more money to raise. So, today I ran concessions for the Louisiana State Bible Drill which was held on LC's campus. In just four hours I made almost $700. The Lord is so faithful! Not only were the two fundraisers a big success I am still selling necklaces and I have gotten three checks in the mail today that I wasn't expecting. PRAISE THE LORD!! He has left no doubt that #1 he is in control and he is my provider and #2 he wants me in Uganda this summer.

Thanks for your prayers and for keeping up with my life. Sorry to leave you hanging's been crazy around here.