For those of you who aren't friends of mine on facebook I did a month of Thanksgiving in my statuses for the month of November. I wanted to take a minute to recap them here so I can come back to this list easily on days I need a reminder to be thankful for the blessings in my life.
Day 1: The inventor of/invention of the Neti pot...for all sinus sufferers you know how life changing this is!
Day 2: the blessing of living in a country of abundance and convenience. Today I had someone paint my toes for me, a machine is currently washing my clothes and dishes and I can put my trash outside for someone to pick up. Seriously, I am blessed and take these things for granted.
Day 3: thankful I get to live life with college students! Even on tough days I'm thankful for God's call on my life to minister to students.
Day 4: so thankful for fun traditions that give me something to look forward to: mom's weekend, carving pumpkins, new pjs on christmas eve, etc. Mom's Weekend 2011 has been a blast so far!!
Day 5: as I sit here eating a home cooked meal and watching Alabama football I'm reminded how thankful I am for my family. I grew up learning the importance of dinner around the kitchen table and the value of SEC football. We may put the fun in dysfunctional but my family has made me who I am today and I love them!
Day 6: thankful to have amazing friends that are family especially since my family is so far away. No one has filled that role better since I came to Pineville than the Chandlers. From feeding me, to catching rodents in my apartment, to vacations, to home improvement projects, to just living life in true community. I love you guy and am so thankful for the three (soon to be four) of you!
Day 7: I'm incredibly thankful for my spiritual mentors in all seasons of my life. I'm still processing and trying to live out the things they have taught me through their words and their lives.
Day 8: I'm thankful for all my "kids" over the years of doing student ministry that have kept in touch and are truly my family. Blessed to be having dinner with one of my LSU boys tonight as he passes through town. (Chris Carter)
Day 9: I'm thankful for my job for the first time in a long time. I get paid to plan events and trips for college students. Seriously?!?! Who gets to do that? This girl! And I'm loving it.
Day 10: I'm thankful for laughter and for people who make me laugh daily. Laugther really is good medicine.
Day 11: so thankful for the freedom I enjoy and take for granted. Thanks to all our men and women who give their lives protecting our country. Especially thankful for the veterans in my life, my dad and pappy!
Day 12: still holding out hope I will get to be a mom one day but until then I'm so thankful for all the precious babies of my friends that I get to be Aunt Kabes to.
Day 13: even though I am so stinking sore from laying laminate floor I am thankful my parents instilled in me the ability to do things around the house for myself. AND I'm incredibly thankful for Cory's help!
Day 14: after a really frustrating day at work I'm thankful for two things...#1 the red beans and rice and cornbread that are currently cooking that will redeem this evening and #2 that the Lord's grace and patience with me isn't equal to the grace and patience that I've bestowed on others.
Day 15: I am so thankful today for my girl, Matti. She's been a great companion during some lonely days of depression and a daily source of unconditional love and entertainment. She's more than a pet (judge if you must)..she's family. We are going on five years together and I can't imagine life without her.
Day 16: I'm thankful for the genius who came up with pre-lit Christmas trees, wreaths and garland. It's not a spiritual or mooshy thanks giving today but as someone who decorates half our college campus I assure you it's sincere gratitude.
Day 17: I'm thankful for my friend Alana Pate! She has been my right hand lady for going on 6 years and my personal hair stylists who outdid herself last night on my new do.
Day 18: I'm thankful my dad is coming for a whole week to help me with home improvement projects around my apartment. Hopefully today was the last time I have to rig up my dishwasher to the sink faucet.
Day 19: I'm thankful our bodies are resilient and can recover quickly. After laying floors and moving furniture all day I am so sore but will be back to normal in a few days.
Day 20: Thankful for the peace of God that He intends to dwell in me daily. "Therefore since you have been justified by faith you have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1
Day 21: thankful that 2/3rds of my family will be here in just a few short hours to spend Thanksgiving week with me in Pineville. Unfortunately divorce is a reality for so many families...mine I won't get to see mom until Christmas but I love you and look forward to our New Year's trip!
Day 22: thankful Brayden Samuel Chandler arrived safely today and that he and Amy are healthy. I love my Chandler family of four!
Day 23: I'm thankful for my dad is a "handy man"...this week I'm reaping the benefits of his labor!
Day 24: I'm thankful for the opportunity to travel to Uganda three times in the last year. That place, the people (two in particular) and the experience have forever changed my life. I've realized how blessed and fortunate I am. I've also learned the importance of sacrificing to help meet the needs of others...that is when we are truly the body of Christ. Missions isn't just an opportunity for some, it's a glorious obligation for believers.
Day 25: I'm thankful that #1 all the apartments projects are complete except the floors in the last bedroom #2 I got some great deals today on stuff I didn't even know I needed #3 I've been able to just hang out with my dad and sister watching Storage Wars for the last three hours. Life is good!
Day 26: I'm going to bed for the last time with my family in my apartment. I'm so thankful they came and for all my dad's hard work. It may be a long time before he willingly comes back.
Day 27: I'm thankful that I can sit in my apartment (newly remodeled and decorated for Christmas) listening to Christmas music, drinking a cup of coffee and looking at the treel all alone but certainly not lonely! (that hasn't always been the case) #blessed
Day 28: I'm thankful today that I received y last car note in the mail!! The explorer is officially paid in full!!!
Day 29: It's been a busy day and it's going to be a late night getting all the decorations up for Gala and Christmas on the I'm thankful today for coffee, especially the peppermint mocha variety!!
Day 30: I'm thankful for pharmacies and over the country meds on weeks like this when you don't have time to go to the doctor.
I recently read someone's post on facebook that said what if you woke up tomorrow with only what you thanked God for today? I'm so glad God doesn't operate that way but this month of giving thanks was a great reminder to be thankful for all that I've been blessed with.