Monday, December 26, 2011

a new series: Monday My Way

So after meeting my sister's friend Chuck who happens to be a follower of my blog...I decided it was time to start a series so that maybe I would be more faithful to my blogging. Truth is, I love to blog...I just forget to do it. So here is my first attempt and we shall call it Monday My Way. This series will be about how things would be if KB was making the calls on what was cool, socially acceptable,humanly possible, etc.

#1 stretchy pants and oversized hoodies would be appropriate to wear for ALL occassions

#2 farts would smell like fresh linen and would be no less acceptable than sneezing in public because just like a sneeze some of us can't hold it in (my mom always told me there is more room out than in)

#3 flip flops could be worn year round without your feet getting cold

#4 if it isn't suppose to have hair and thus requires plucking, shaving, waxing...well dang it then hair wouldn't grow there in the first place

And those are my initial thoughts for this Monday's addition of Monday My Way. Let me hear your feedback if you like the series or have other ideas for things I could do. I've seen people do "wordless Wednesdays" where they just post a picture for the day. I might jump on that bandwagon...who knows.'s to stretchy pants!!

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