Wednesday, September 5, 2012

labor of love

Well today was a big day in the life of Big Momma and all things adoption. As of yesterday I completed the first big packet of information that had to be sent to my social worker. It has taken me over a month to gather information together from the first check list. That was a labor of love! I put it in the mail this morning...certified mail at that. That envelope had my life in it, basically.

Here was a picture from yesterday when I had finished checking, double checking and triple checking to make sure it was all there.

As of this morning it has been mailed and for a brief moment the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. Okay that was a little dramatic but it was a huge relief to have it done.

In addition to paperwork...I stuck to my goal and used my "hurication"---hurricane vacation for good. Thanks to Isaac we got an unexpected week off of work that I used to complete my 20 hours of online adoption education. I also finished 1 of 2 books and wrote the book review for it. I am on a roll these days.

It wasn't all work and no play during the hurication. I completed a few craft projects while I was home. Here is a picture of the three piece craftiness I did for Daizy's room.

In other news...I submitted the t-shirt order this morning. We were able to sell 159 shirts and then I ordered an additional 100 shirts to have for various fund raising events that we host and for the people who see how awesome they are after the fact and want one. Praise the Lord!

If you like the t-shirt design and the handy work on the support letters and you ever need some design work you should check out
She does a great job!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

WOO HOO!!!! How exciting...I can't imagine what that must feel like to have such a big chunk of stuff accomplished! Rock on Isaac!