Saturday, March 8, 2014

Baby Daizy

One of my favorite movies is The Blind Side. It is one of those movies I go back and watch over and over and over. When I started the adoption process there was something in that movie that stuck out to me. When Michael graduated from high school all the parents were suppose to submit a baby picture of their kids to be shown when they walked across the stage. When Michael walked across the stage the cutest baby picture showed up on screen and the husband leaned over to his wife and asked where she was able to get a baby picture of Michael. She chuckled and said she pulled a picture of a black baby off a baby boutique add. Ha! Way to be creative mom.

I knew there would come a day when Daizy would graduate...
I knew there would come a day when Daizy would get married...

Both are occasions when having a baby picture for a slide show would be nice to have. Not to mention I had already grieved that I had missed my girl's baby years. I grieved that I would never know what she looked like as a baby. I grieved that I never got to rock her. So imagine my surprise when I met with Jjajja (her grandmother) for the first time and she brought pictures of Daizy as a baby. What a great gift. I am so thankful for technology where I could take a picture of a picture so that Jjajja could keep those pictures but I could enjoy them too.

Meet Baby Daizy

I will treasure this picture forever.

I was also fortunate enough to get pictures of Daizy's mother and father the same day. I am so thankful that as we talk about Daizy's life....where she came from...that I will always be able to share with her about her biological mother and father. I am not afraid of her past and her connections with her family. I am thankful for the gift they have given me and I want Daizy to always know who they are and to love her story...every part of it.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great movie.
Somebody could also write a movie about you....loving heart would be the title.
I should say we don"t know each other at all, I stumbled upon this story not long ago.
Your a wonderful woman full of love.

The Heart Of A Woman said...

Kb! She is so beautiful! I love you and that baby girl!