Sunday, June 13, 2010


So, I am learning something about myself just a few weeks into the summer. Okay, so maybe it isn't an entirely new lesson, just one that is being reinforced with every passing day. I, KB Thomas, am a creature of habit. I thrive on a routine!! I haven't always been this way...or at least not this bad. I chalk it up to getting older and needing to have some order in my life. From the time I graduated high school until I started my job at LC 5 years ago I lived a very spontaneous...ever changing life. Every summer I was doing summer missions or working Centrifuge in a new location. After graduating college and starting seminary I moved from city to city and job to job. I loved my life and all the adventures the Lord let me experience. Now that I have settled into a job and been in one place for almost five years now...I thrive on the routine of life and when the routine is off I feel disheveled. Case in point, we host a different camp every week of the summer here at LC so we are constantly checking people in and out. Every camps' needs are different, their check in and out times vary, emergencies happen at the oddest hours, camp directors personalities are drastically different...and therefore, no week of the summer is the same. I really never know what to expect on any given day going into the office. Don't get me wrong...I love camps and miss almost every day of the summer being able to work camp...but when summer rolls around and all other offices on campus get a break I feel like I go into coffee and survival mode.

Sadly, because Hayden is working as an intern for summer camps and Sara is working as my assistant in Residence Life our workout routine has struggled the last two weeks as we have all gone into survival mode. Fortunately I am still losing weight and getting as many workouts in as possible in a given week. We are trying to figure out how to get back on schedule. So far it's required me to get runs in by myself which is never fun. Sara is married to a youth ministry and so there have been several nights where her schedule has been booked with church activities. This week her church has night VBS so we are going to have to get in morning workouts if they are going to get done. Have I mentioned that Sara isn't a morning person and requires a lot of sleep? No pain, no gain...right?

All that to say...I'm actually thankful that I am learning how to lose weight, eat right and incorporate exercise into my "real life"'s challenging enough to learn new habits in you're normal routine...much less learn it on a TV show in a bubble and then have to come home and incorporate it into "real life." If I can roll with the punches of the summer and still manage to get a workout in every day regardless of my schedule or where I am in (Dry Creek, Uganda, etc) then I will be set when the school year starts back and I can get into a routine.


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