Sunday, June 20, 2010

photo shoot with Noah Lee Chandler

So you have probably noticed that my blogging has decreased significantly since Noah Lee Chandler entered our world. I can't make apologies for that...I am loving this little boy and spending as much time with him as I can. I will be leaving this week for Uganda and will be gone for almost three weeks and before I get back the Chandlers are leaving for their trip to NC and wont be back until two weeks after I am back home. If you do the math that's 5 weeks I won't get to see sweet Noah. He hasn't even been around for 5 weeks yet so I will miss half of his life. Okay, so that's a little dramatic but I am still trying to get some quality time with him and his parents before I head out. I got to be his first official babysitter this past Thursday and I was a wee bit excited. Cory and Amy went on a date to dinner and a movie and I got to spoil Noah for a few hours.

Since Father's Day was just a few days away I thought I would take advantage of my time with Noah and have a mini photo shoot in hopes of getting some good pics to give Cory for Father's Day. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...only they were so cute I couldn't keep them a secret. As soon as Cory and Amy got home I showed them the pics. Amy and I even went to Walmart on Friday night and used the pics to design his birth announcement. Here are just a few of the many many pics I took of lil man that night.

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