Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daizy update

All things adoption got pushed to the side the last three weeks but I am back to it now. I am $10 away from having $4000 raised....PRAISE THE LORD!! Thank you for all who have given, sent encouragement and prayed.

I am working on all the paperwork that has to be completed before my first home study interview. That's a grueling process but so worth it. My references have been contacted and the social worker is working on all my background checks. I had to submit every city/state I have lived in since I was 18. When I asked what constituted living she said 3 weeks which meant every camp I have worked, summer missions etc...all had to be included for a grand total of 18 locations including one international location. OH JOY.

So paperwork is going....fund raising is exploding and in the mean time I am patiently waiting and asking the Lord to prune me so that I am ready to be Daizy's mommy.

Here is a picture one of my teammates sent me on Friday of this past week to wish me a happy day...I think Daizy is ready to be a the poster child for the LC wildcats.


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