Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I've seen an idea similar to this on other friends' blogs and thought I would give it a least for today because there is so much that I am thankful for. After three insanely busy weeks of work I have had time to catch my breath and realize just how much I have to be thankful for...

These are in no certain order:

*A self starting timer coffee pot---it's the little things in life like coming downstairs in the morning to already brewed coffee

*To go along with the coffee....I am thankful for finding a good creamer that just makes my mornings happy. Currenlty I am using York Peppermint Patti creamer so its a little taste of Christmas early.

*this summer I was introduced to a devotional called "Jesus Calling" and was given the app on my phone as a gift from a dear friend...EVERY MORNING I am amazed at how perfectly timed these little nuggets of goodness are. I have since gifted several friends with the app and I have found the kid version for Daizy when she gets home.

*I was given a gift certificate for a 60 minutes massage which I cashed in on Tuesday and man am I thankful for that opportunity to just be pampered for a morning...thanks Jodi!

*The other day I made homemade salsa and though it has given me wretched heartburn I am thankful for the ability to buy fresh foods and inheriting a gift for cooking from my dad!

*Coming off three really great weeks of preparing and implementing our new student orientation I am so incredibly thankful for the AMAZING STAFF I got to work along side....they were fabulous and in two weeks time became an extended part of my family. In fact the name "Big Momma" has now made it to America and will forever be on LC's campus

*I am thankful for words of encouragement...sometimes in this LONG weightloss journey I cease to be able to see results and at the right time I see someone who showers me with compliments at how good I am looking and though I am not doing this for the praise of men it is nice to know people can see a difference especially when I cant

*along those same lines...I am thankful to be able to walk into Old Navy and for the first time since the store opened I am able to buy pants off the rack!! That's huge for me.

*I am thankful for the new blanket I got for my bed that makes getting out of bed incredibly difficult

And last but certainly not least I am thankful to be back to working on adoption stuff to get Daizy home. Last night at LifeGroup one of the sweet kiddos asked me if Daizy was going to start coming to LifeGroup with me next year. This little feeler got a little sentimental just knowing that my friends are talking to their kids about Daizy coming and my whole church family is excited about getting her home. Even better was that Gracie and Anna saw a black baby doll on Walmart the other day and insisted that Amanda buy her because she looked like Daizy...and so she did. All that to say...I AM THANKFUL FOR MY GATHERING PLACE FAMILY AND FOR MY LIFE GROUP!!

1 comment:

jodi said...

I like your thankful Thursday post :)