Tuesday, August 21, 2012

While I was Away...

I received a text message from my sister yesterday informing me that she knew I had been busy but now that welcome week was over I was long overdue for a blog post. PUSHY PEOPLE. I have been silent the last few weeks because I have been working my hind parts off. Part of my responsibility as student activities director is hosting our new student orientation....and it is quite the production. My 8 years of working FUGE paid off the last three weeks as we planned an elaborate little welcome week for our new freshmen. The first week of August I spent with my two assistant directors, Emily and Jodi...who are wonderful by the way. We hashed out details and got as much planning as we possibly could done before the rest of the staff arrived. The 2nd week was spent with our staff of 30 building a set, learning dances and skits, making videos, planning groups times and rec times...you name it. This week of planning was filled with 18 hour days but man did we have fun. I have 29 new kiddos in my family now and I love them all dearly. In fact the name Big Momma has officially made it to MERICA. Not only does my Uganda team call me that but now 29 orientation leaders and even some of the freshmen have picked up on it. Not going to lie....I like it! And then our third week was actually spent with our 325ish new freshmen. Here are some pics of our week...

Here were their binders and shirts waiting on them when they arrived Sunday.
The set coming together...complete with a waterfall and a volcano. Our theme was SURVIVOR.
Only the best W3 staff ever sitting at Tribal Council
The volcano side of the stage...that actually had a fog machine and strobe light inside it because we're cool like that
Keeping spirits high on mooooove in day
Big Momma takes on the mechanical surf board...and didn't get hurt!!
Sunday morning student led worship...and I am in my first goal dress at -37lbs down.
Me after the movie night skit where I played a grandma...and this is my boss, EJ
One of our two awesome logos that are too good to throw away

You can see we had a blast! And I'm pretty sure the freshmen had a great time too!


Kasey said...

Is that Eric Johnson...because it looks like Eric Johnson.

kb thomas said...

Yep, that's Eric. We've been working together since 2006 and he became my boss last year.

Whitney said...

Dude!! You look amazing in that pink and white dress! Now, can we talk about that cow costume...hilarious! Love your guest post on 127 by the way.