Saturday, August 4, 2012


Well I have good news all the way around this Saturday morning. I have officially hit 35lbs down on the scale this morning. The next two weeks will be insanely busy and full of food I didn't prepare so I am trying my best to prepare for it and not set myself back on the scale.

That was the down. The scale is going down and its a beautiful thing to see!

Now for the up.

I have been getting support letters ready to send out for Daizy's adoption. I put on facebook the other night that if addressing support letters was an Olympic sport you'd be reading the status of a gold medalist. Aint that the truth. In two nights I have written and addressed close to 160 letters. If you're reading this then you probably have one coming your way :) Here's the exciting news....just from writing a few blogs about Daizy and nothing else...I have already received $2,710 from friends and family. I am blown away by the way the Lord is providing to get Daizy home. Thank you hardly seems enough for your support...both financially and through your prayers and encouragement. Keep it coming, we're running a marathon here that is only just beginning.

Happy Saturday!

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