So once again I have fallen off the face of the earth with my blogging. I have noticed this trend in adoption blogs and now I know why. When there is no new news it is hard not get to's hard not to get a little down. In my best effort not to pitch a tent on the island of doubt and self-pity I have just not said anything. And yet every step of the way Jesus has been so incredibly faithful. At this point in this journey I expected to be in Uganda already camped out in a hotel with my girl. Here I sit in good ole Pineville. I found myself not making any plans for the month of November. Homecoming week at LC came and went. The events of homecoming were enough to keep me busy but once it was over I caught myself getting anxious again. Last Monday I sent a text out to several of my closest friends and asked them to pray that I would hear something...anything from Uganda to know we were at least moving forward. No joke, I sent that text at 10:10am and before noon I received word that our documents had not been sent to court yet because D's birth records had not yet been found. And there you have it....I asked for something and I got it and yet I found myself sad because it's not what I wanted to hear. How were they suppose to find this document if they had not found it so far???? A dear friend was quick to remind me that they found D's father in the bush of Africa when they didn't even know if he was alive or not. What a great reminder that this document was no challenge for our God. Fast forward to Friday when I was sitting at a garage sale fundraiser to help another family in our church raise money for their adoption. A friend was asking if there was any update on the document and I said, "no but soon". Side note: sunflowers have always been my thing that appears when something major is going on and it's always that still small confirmation that Jesus hasn't forgotten about me. The night before I had gone to visit a friend at her grandfather's wake and the casket spray was filled with sunflowers. It was just enough for me to know that document was coming. I didn't tell the friend that at the time...I just left it at "soon". Her response was perfect..."yeah, to me soon means by this afternoon....I want them to find it by this afternoon." Kid you not....before Emmy left the garage sale I had a message on my facebook from Geoffrey that the document had been found. I yelled across the garage at Emmy and a screaming girl party broke out as I celebrated with many people from my Gathering Place family.
So what now? Well all of our documents are now being submitted to the high court and we wait for a court date. I could get a call any day now that we have a court date. I wake up every morning thinking today could be the day I get that call. I've already started packing D's bag and starting making a packing list for myself. At this point it is really sinking in that A. I'm about to be a mom B. I have no idea what I am doing and C. I will most likely spend Thanksgiving and Christmas in Uganda. Taking a deep breath as a I type this.
Here is how you can be praying for us:
*pray we get a court date soon
*pray for favor with the judge (anything can happen in Africa)
*pray the process goes smoothly and quickly (we could be there anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks waiting on Embassy and immigration appointments)
*pray that I make the most of the time we are in Uganda to enjoy D and tutor her to get ready for school
*pray that everything falls in place when we get home....until she is here we can't really do anything about insurance, schools, finding a doctor, etc. so the weeks after we are home will be a whirlwind
*pray that I have discernment on how to best protect D in the beginning and not overwhelm her with everyone who has been waiting to meet her
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
A Rough Week with a Heap of Conviction
Over the years I have grown to love doing personality inventories that tell me how I am wired and how I function. The results to those inventories are never really surprising if I am being honest. I am an off the charts "feeler" which means if something can be taken personally I will find a way to be hurt by it. What can I say....I feel deeply and I want to please the people in my life. I've known this about myself for years and have taken responsibility to step back and think through things before I take offense to it unnecessarily. Just because I am wired this way doesn't give me the right to have my emotions control me. In fact when Scripture talks about not being controlled by anything other than the Spirit I think it's applicable to include our emotions. Granted that particular verse is talking about alcohol but again, if I'm being honest sometimes my emotions are way more powerful and effect me way more than vodka ever could. With that being said, I am a work in progress but have made great strides over the last few years to take ownership of my God given emotions, process them and try not be controlled by them. Just when I think I have this "feeler" thing under control the Lord yanks the rug right out from under me to gently and sometimes not so gently remind me that I am and will always be dependent on Him to have any victory over my flesh.
Here's how the rug got yanked out from under me just this week....
Three different students who I love dearly and have come to depend on in the leadership positions that they serve in came in my office and resigned this past week. How does my flesh process that? "Why do you hate me? Why do you not want to work for me?" and the spiral goes down from there. When in reality if I step back, these are student who serve in multiple positions on campus, take upper level courses and desire to have some sort of social life their last year of college. Nothing about their decisions was a personal attack on me. In fact, as I have invested in them and tried to instill leadership principles in them I have told them to take care of themselves, get rest, know their limitations. Unfortunately when they do just what I ask them to do and I am the part of their schedule that needs to get dropped it stings a little. It's exhausting sometimes to do college ministry. There is a revolving door that is always welcoming new students in and at the same time saying farewell to students you have invested your life in. My flesh sometimes wants to pitch a fit that I train leaders and then they move on to serve in other areas of campus where I don't directly benefit from their skills and talents. How's that for honesty?
When I stop long enough to truly process, I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I love getting to invest in students. I love to do life with them and pass on leadership skills and disciple them in big and small ways. Though starting from scratch with new students isn't always fun and easy, there is a proud mom in me that is thankful to see my older "kids" using what I have instilled in them to make the places they serve better.
So that was enough to get my "feeler" working in over drive this week and then came the sermon on Sunday morning at church. We've been talking about being Jars used for God's Glory lately and we got to 2 Corinthians 3 where Paul talks about how we seek "letters of recommendations" from others to validate us and our ministry. #OUCH Paul goes on to say this, "We are confident in all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant." If you have ever had one of those moments where conviction was inescapable and you felt that your pastor had been given some special insight into your soul that made you want to hide as he preached directly to you...that was me yesterday.
So here is my heartfelt confession: there are a few people in my life that I desperately seek "letters of recommendation" from to validate my work, my ministry, my decisions and pretty much all areas of my life. I have given these people the power to affirm me and crush me with their opinions. Not only is that an unfair burden to put on someone's sin in my life. It's pride seeking recognition and the applaud of man. It's ugly insecurity. It's finding my worth in someone other than Christ my Savior. That conviction sucked. It was painful to acknowledge.
Paul goes on in that passage to say this...
"But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have the veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord--who is the Spirit--makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image."
So here is what I am praying and trusting the Lord for in the days ahead....that He would free me from placing my worth in the approval of co-workers, bosses, students, my family. My call is to work with excellence unto the Lord and hopefully in doing so many will be pleased but even if they aren't that I will be obedient to what the Lord has called me to do.
Happy Monday friends.
Here's how the rug got yanked out from under me just this week....
Three different students who I love dearly and have come to depend on in the leadership positions that they serve in came in my office and resigned this past week. How does my flesh process that? "Why do you hate me? Why do you not want to work for me?" and the spiral goes down from there. When in reality if I step back, these are student who serve in multiple positions on campus, take upper level courses and desire to have some sort of social life their last year of college. Nothing about their decisions was a personal attack on me. In fact, as I have invested in them and tried to instill leadership principles in them I have told them to take care of themselves, get rest, know their limitations. Unfortunately when they do just what I ask them to do and I am the part of their schedule that needs to get dropped it stings a little. It's exhausting sometimes to do college ministry. There is a revolving door that is always welcoming new students in and at the same time saying farewell to students you have invested your life in. My flesh sometimes wants to pitch a fit that I train leaders and then they move on to serve in other areas of campus where I don't directly benefit from their skills and talents. How's that for honesty?
When I stop long enough to truly process, I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I love getting to invest in students. I love to do life with them and pass on leadership skills and disciple them in big and small ways. Though starting from scratch with new students isn't always fun and easy, there is a proud mom in me that is thankful to see my older "kids" using what I have instilled in them to make the places they serve better.
So that was enough to get my "feeler" working in over drive this week and then came the sermon on Sunday morning at church. We've been talking about being Jars used for God's Glory lately and we got to 2 Corinthians 3 where Paul talks about how we seek "letters of recommendations" from others to validate us and our ministry. #OUCH Paul goes on to say this, "We are confident in all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant." If you have ever had one of those moments where conviction was inescapable and you felt that your pastor had been given some special insight into your soul that made you want to hide as he preached directly to you...that was me yesterday.
So here is my heartfelt confession: there are a few people in my life that I desperately seek "letters of recommendation" from to validate my work, my ministry, my decisions and pretty much all areas of my life. I have given these people the power to affirm me and crush me with their opinions. Not only is that an unfair burden to put on someone's sin in my life. It's pride seeking recognition and the applaud of man. It's ugly insecurity. It's finding my worth in someone other than Christ my Savior. That conviction sucked. It was painful to acknowledge.
Paul goes on in that passage to say this...
"But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have the veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord--who is the Spirit--makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image."
So here is what I am praying and trusting the Lord for in the days ahead....that He would free me from placing my worth in the approval of co-workers, bosses, students, my family. My call is to work with excellence unto the Lord and hopefully in doing so many will be pleased but even if they aren't that I will be obedient to what the Lord has called me to do.
Happy Monday friends.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
James 1:27
"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." (New Living Translation)
This verse is one that has become near and dear to my heart. My desire isn't to have solid religion...but to know Jesus, love Jesus and every day strive to be more like Him. That being said, I think this is a verse that for too long the church has neglected to take at face value. God doesn't desire that we take care of orphans and widows, he commands it.
If you've followed my story any in the last few years it's no secret that Jesus has awakened my heart to orphans. Through many trips to Uganda my world has been wrecked and my passions have shifted to caring for, advocating for and meeting the needs of a specific group of orphans at Acres of Hope. I can honestly say that I fail miserably at living out most of scripture but this is a verse that won't let me go.
Why do I bring this up? Well first let me say that the previous post I wrote about Matti got over 200 views and within 24 hours of posting it...thanks to your help...Matti has a new home! This is the most bittersweet feeling that I could possibly have. This transition is necessary but not easy. Matti's new owner will be coming to get her on September 21st and I am already dreading that day. Another confession....I have been a basket case since that phone call ended. The last several days I have been on the verge of tears all day, every day. My heart aches even though I have the utmost confidence that she is going to a great home and will be well loved.
Last night as I was driving home from Life Group something occurred to a way that only God could orchestrate, He has laid before me a beautiful opportunity to live out James 1:27. The reason I am having to re-home Matti is because of a specific call He has given me to care for an orphan named Daizy. But listen to how incredible our heavenly Father is...the lady who is adopting Matti is a widow. I was told before I ever got the call that she was a widow and that she had a large breed dog that passed away 3 months ago. Her first words to me when she called were "I'm lonesome....I just need a companion." At that moment I started crying. If there was ever a loving, loyal, faithful companion in the form of a canine it is Matti Thomas. For almost 7 years she has been my constant companion. She has loved me through some major ups and downs...seasons of depression and seasons of great joy. That dog has kept me company, helped clean my floors, licked my tears and made me laugh on a daily basis. And in some strange ways Matti has prepared me for motherhood. Please don't take offense to that all you mothers out there. I don't mean to make light of motherhood, especially since I have not experienced it, yet. But having a pet that is well loved is demanding and requires time and patience. So about the same time that Daizy was born I was taking in a dependent of another kind who has been helping prepare me for motherhood. Last night the Lord helped me realize that I had helped groom this fur-baby to meet the need of a sweet widow who needs the love and companionship from Matti that I have had for the last 7 years. And as cheesy as that may sound, the clinched fists of my heart were loosened last night as I realized how the Lord was working to make James 1:27 come to life in our story.
Don't get me wrong....September 21st is going to suck. I will cry. I will cry again. I will cry some more. But to everything there is a season and I am embracing this new season of life and the changes that are coming with it. Once again I am overwhelmed by the Lord's provision, his loving kindness and his goodness to me.
And to those who have asked....YES....this is an open adoption. Matti will be a little over an hour away. I won't get to see her often but I trust her new owner will send me an occasional picture and from time to time allow Daizy and I to come visit.
This verse is one that has become near and dear to my heart. My desire isn't to have solid religion...but to know Jesus, love Jesus and every day strive to be more like Him. That being said, I think this is a verse that for too long the church has neglected to take at face value. God doesn't desire that we take care of orphans and widows, he commands it.
If you've followed my story any in the last few years it's no secret that Jesus has awakened my heart to orphans. Through many trips to Uganda my world has been wrecked and my passions have shifted to caring for, advocating for and meeting the needs of a specific group of orphans at Acres of Hope. I can honestly say that I fail miserably at living out most of scripture but this is a verse that won't let me go.
Why do I bring this up? Well first let me say that the previous post I wrote about Matti got over 200 views and within 24 hours of posting it...thanks to your help...Matti has a new home! This is the most bittersweet feeling that I could possibly have. This transition is necessary but not easy. Matti's new owner will be coming to get her on September 21st and I am already dreading that day. Another confession....I have been a basket case since that phone call ended. The last several days I have been on the verge of tears all day, every day. My heart aches even though I have the utmost confidence that she is going to a great home and will be well loved.
Last night as I was driving home from Life Group something occurred to a way that only God could orchestrate, He has laid before me a beautiful opportunity to live out James 1:27. The reason I am having to re-home Matti is because of a specific call He has given me to care for an orphan named Daizy. But listen to how incredible our heavenly Father is...the lady who is adopting Matti is a widow. I was told before I ever got the call that she was a widow and that she had a large breed dog that passed away 3 months ago. Her first words to me when she called were "I'm lonesome....I just need a companion." At that moment I started crying. If there was ever a loving, loyal, faithful companion in the form of a canine it is Matti Thomas. For almost 7 years she has been my constant companion. She has loved me through some major ups and downs...seasons of depression and seasons of great joy. That dog has kept me company, helped clean my floors, licked my tears and made me laugh on a daily basis. And in some strange ways Matti has prepared me for motherhood. Please don't take offense to that all you mothers out there. I don't mean to make light of motherhood, especially since I have not experienced it, yet. But having a pet that is well loved is demanding and requires time and patience. So about the same time that Daizy was born I was taking in a dependent of another kind who has been helping prepare me for motherhood. Last night the Lord helped me realize that I had helped groom this fur-baby to meet the need of a sweet widow who needs the love and companionship from Matti that I have had for the last 7 years. And as cheesy as that may sound, the clinched fists of my heart were loosened last night as I realized how the Lord was working to make James 1:27 come to life in our story.
Don't get me wrong....September 21st is going to suck. I will cry. I will cry again. I will cry some more. But to everything there is a season and I am embracing this new season of life and the changes that are coming with it. Once again I am overwhelmed by the Lord's provision, his loving kindness and his goodness to me.
And to those who have asked....YES....this is an open adoption. Matti will be a little over an hour away. I won't get to see her often but I trust her new owner will send me an occasional picture and from time to time allow Daizy and I to come visit.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Find Me Somebody To Love....
If you have been following my blog for any length of time you know this sweet baby. This would be the love of my life for the last almost 7 years...Matti. She has been such a sweet companion to this introverted single lady. This may be the hardest blog post I have ever written but I need help finding this baby a new home. As many of you know I am in the process of adopting a little girl from Uganda who will hopefully be home before the year ends. After a lot of prayer and weighing the odds I have had to make the decision to re-home Matti before Daizy arrives.
Every time I share that with people they try to convince me that it will all be okay and question whether I have thought this through. If you know how much I love this dog you have to know this isn't a decision I have just made flippantly.
So why? Well for 7 years it has just been Matti and I in this little apartment and she is very protective of our home. Though she has been socialized since she was a puppy to all ages of people she doesn't really care for children. That may change if she is taken out of this environment and moved somewhere else....but in her mind this is her home and she doesn't want to be bothered. She has never bitten anyone but she just shows signs of not wanting kids in her space. The other issue I have seen is that if someone is afraid of her she thinks something is wrong and barks ferociously. In the most politically correct way I can put this....unfortunately the majority of the African Americans we have encountered have been afraid of her. This has become an issue in the apartment complex that I live in where there are several black families and several international families that are all afraid of Matti. Anytime we go out in the backyard Matti has to stay on a leash and that is no way to have to live. She needs to be able to run around and get exercise.
My number one priority has to be Daizy....who happens to be a black child. If those two odds were not against us already you have to add into the equation that Matti will be extremely jealous. She has been treated like a child for 7 years. I have created a monster because she thinks she is human. All of that adds up to potential for major transition issues. The adoption transition will have it's own unique challenges for both Daizy and I without having to worry about how Matti will handle it or if she would get aggressive with Daizy. For everyone involved it will just be best to find Matti a new family. I know the right family is out there....I just have to find them and when I do my heart will be at ease. I would hate to force this situation and try to make it work only to have to get rid of her quickly and have Daizy be terrified of dogs for the rest of her life.
So will you help us find a new home?
Here are some things you should know up front....
Matti has always been an inside dog and as a short snout dog at this point in her life she could not be turned into an outside dog. (that will be a huge hurdle because not everyone loves an inside dog)
I am not saying she can't be in a home with children but I would not recommend her to a family with small children.
Matti has no major health issues and is up to date on her shots and has been spayed.
She knows commands and obeys most of the time....just like a child she is stubborn. She has been to obedience classes at PetSmart.
Matti does well with other dogs but could not go to a home with a cat. (that probably wouldn't end well)
So if you know anyone who has had boxers before or someone who is looking for an non-puppy that is already house broken would you pass this along and feel free to give them my contact information.
Here are some more pics to help people see just what a sweet baby she really is....she will love and be loyal to whoever adopts this fur-baby.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Bucket List Check Off
Well this is another blog that has been months in the making. I finally marked an item off my bucket list back in April. I completed my first (and probably only) half marathon. Not really sure why people get addicted to these was only on my bucket list once and now it's done. I may change my mind but not before my toenails grow back. I liken the feeling to what women must feel like after child birth. I need time to get over the pain before I am willing do it again.
Yeah! No one tells you the downside to long distance running/walking. Aside from praying I would die for the two days that followed the race because I was so sore....the next week my toenails started falling off. When I began to ask my runner friends and google this phenomenon I was told repeatedly "oh that is normal". What the heck? Why did no one tell me this before? How is this normal? I seriously would have reconsidered the race. I have always taken great care of my's one of the few things that I have going for me. Not anymore. I had a blister the size of Texas (and ironically the shape of Africa) on the pad of my left foot and have now lost three toenails. #casuality
I will say this....I have honestly never felt that accomplished in my life. Around mile 11 I really wanted to give up and just sit down on the curb. About mile 12.5 I thought the only way I could finish was to crawl....but when Amy and I saw the finish line we just took off running as fast as we could. I have the missing toenails, the medal, the bib number and the ugly shirt and the 13.1 sticker on my car to prove that I have completed a half marathon.
For all of those people who said "now you're ready to do a full marathon" can take your 26.2 miles and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. You'll find me sitting on the beach somewhere with a diet coke and a good book in hand.
Here are some pics from the day....

this was the Biggest Loser Run/Walk race series so I got to meet one of the contestants from this past season, Gina.

My race buddies and I rocking our ugly green shirts. (Amy and Angie)

My fearless training partner, Amy, who logged over 150 miles training with me.
This picture was taken at the starting line.

The ring of shoes that we now all want to burn.

Amy and I at the finish line.

The whole crew: Amy, my sister Teri, me and Angie....we survived.

Before my car ever had a license plate it had this magnet....#accomplished #wellearned

A strong finish.

And I wasn't lying about the Africa shaped blister.

done and done.
Thanks for all the encouragement throughout the training process! I'm so glad I did it. I'm so glad it's over. And I will gladly cheer you on if you decide to tackle a race but don't ask me to do it with you :)
Yeah! No one tells you the downside to long distance running/walking. Aside from praying I would die for the two days that followed the race because I was so sore....the next week my toenails started falling off. When I began to ask my runner friends and google this phenomenon I was told repeatedly "oh that is normal". What the heck? Why did no one tell me this before? How is this normal? I seriously would have reconsidered the race. I have always taken great care of my's one of the few things that I have going for me. Not anymore. I had a blister the size of Texas (and ironically the shape of Africa) on the pad of my left foot and have now lost three toenails. #casuality
I will say this....I have honestly never felt that accomplished in my life. Around mile 11 I really wanted to give up and just sit down on the curb. About mile 12.5 I thought the only way I could finish was to crawl....but when Amy and I saw the finish line we just took off running as fast as we could. I have the missing toenails, the medal, the bib number and the ugly shirt and the 13.1 sticker on my car to prove that I have completed a half marathon.
For all of those people who said "now you're ready to do a full marathon" can take your 26.2 miles and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. You'll find me sitting on the beach somewhere with a diet coke and a good book in hand.
Here are some pics from the day....
this was the Biggest Loser Run/Walk race series so I got to meet one of the contestants from this past season, Gina.
My race buddies and I rocking our ugly green shirts. (Amy and Angie)
My fearless training partner, Amy, who logged over 150 miles training with me.
This picture was taken at the starting line.
The ring of shoes that we now all want to burn.
Amy and I at the finish line.
The whole crew: Amy, my sister Teri, me and Angie....we survived.
Before my car ever had a license plate it had this magnet....#accomplished #wellearned
A strong finish.
And I wasn't lying about the Africa shaped blister.
done and done.
Thanks for all the encouragement throughout the training process! I'm so glad I did it. I'm so glad it's over. And I will gladly cheer you on if you decide to tackle a race but don't ask me to do it with you :)
Unexpected Purchases
blah blah it's been a while since I've blogged....I know. Oddly enough a lot has happened between the last blog and now so here is my attempt to catch you up.
I made a quick trip to Alabama for a few days over my spring break and what a trip it turned out to be. I had some car trouble going home and before I knew it I was at the Ford dealership trading in the ole explorer. To say that was an unexpected purchase is an understatement. Between what the expenses were going to be to fix the explorer and the cost of the 100,000 mile service I would have to pay for at the end of the year it just wasn't worth sinking that kind of money into an old vehicle. So long story short...I have a new mom car. I downsized just a little bit from the explorer and I am realizing the pros and the cons of that decision every day. Overall I love the new car.

One last picture with ole girl.

And here is the new car....I call her Dixie because she was bought in the "heart of Dixie"
For the record I have been trying to update my blog for over a month and it wouldn't let me add pictures for some reason. So get ready....I'm about to blow this thing up with some updates today.
I made a quick trip to Alabama for a few days over my spring break and what a trip it turned out to be. I had some car trouble going home and before I knew it I was at the Ford dealership trading in the ole explorer. To say that was an unexpected purchase is an understatement. Between what the expenses were going to be to fix the explorer and the cost of the 100,000 mile service I would have to pay for at the end of the year it just wasn't worth sinking that kind of money into an old vehicle. So long story short...I have a new mom car. I downsized just a little bit from the explorer and I am realizing the pros and the cons of that decision every day. Overall I love the new car.
One last picture with ole girl.
And here is the new car....I call her Dixie because she was bought in the "heart of Dixie"
For the record I have been trying to update my blog for over a month and it wouldn't let me add pictures for some reason. So get ready....I'm about to blow this thing up with some updates today.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Counting Down the Days
I started to title this blog "it's the final count down" and immediately that song started blaring loudly in my head. Now I will have to find a song to replace that with. But I've been counting down the days and we are officially at....

Only 11 days until Angie, Amy and I walk in the Biggest Loser Half Marathon. That's crazy and exciting. I haven't uploaded my GPS watch in a while to see just how many miles I have logged in training BUT it's a whole lot.
There is also something else we have been counting down....the arrival of Stephen Charles Hunter and the wait is finally over. He arrived yesterday weighing in at 8lbs and 21 inches long. Bebe is excited to have another sweet boy to love on.

Only 11 days until Angie, Amy and I walk in the Biggest Loser Half Marathon. That's crazy and exciting. I haven't uploaded my GPS watch in a while to see just how many miles I have logged in training BUT it's a whole lot.
There is also something else we have been counting down....the arrival of Stephen Charles Hunter and the wait is finally over. He arrived yesterday weighing in at 8lbs and 21 inches long. Bebe is excited to have another sweet boy to love on.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
To Those Who Wait
Oh the joy of seasons where all we can do is wait...
The adoption process has been filled with moments of hurry up and get this done....and then....wait.
Work has been filled with lots of moments lately of waiting on others to make decisions that would have a significant impact on my life, my career, etc. I know worrying doesn't help and after a while I've felt helpless to even know how to pray. And so....I wait.
And at 35 do we even need to talk about how long my little heart has waited on the Lord to reveal who I might get to journey this life with...oh marriage....and so I wait.
Sometimes waiting is exhausting, if I am being honest. But there are times when in the waiting I realize just how near the Lord is and he allows me to run across a verse or a song or someone says something that just feels like a warm towel right out of the dryer to my weary soul. Well yesterday that came in the form of a song and so I wanted to share the lyrics with you.
This is a song called "To Those Who Wait" by Bethany yourself a favor and go listen to it on iTunes.
I am waiting on You,
I am waiting on You.
You say You're good to those who wait.
My heart's discouraged,
So I come to You expectant.
You say You're good to those who wait.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won't run anymore.
I'm waiting on You.
Oh, wretched man that I am!
Free me from my distractions.
You say You're good to those who wait.
Then confession and repentance
Fine me in the quiet.
You say You're good to those who wait.
Now I know You're good to those who wait.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won't run anymore.
I'm waiting on You.
Oh, my soul,
Wait upon the Lord.
Keep your lamp filled with oil.
Oh, my soul,
Be not deceived!
Wait for Him.
Don't be quick to leave.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won't run anymore.
I'm waiting on You.
The adoption process has been filled with moments of hurry up and get this done....and then....wait.
Work has been filled with lots of moments lately of waiting on others to make decisions that would have a significant impact on my life, my career, etc. I know worrying doesn't help and after a while I've felt helpless to even know how to pray. And so....I wait.
And at 35 do we even need to talk about how long my little heart has waited on the Lord to reveal who I might get to journey this life with...oh marriage....and so I wait.
Sometimes waiting is exhausting, if I am being honest. But there are times when in the waiting I realize just how near the Lord is and he allows me to run across a verse or a song or someone says something that just feels like a warm towel right out of the dryer to my weary soul. Well yesterday that came in the form of a song and so I wanted to share the lyrics with you.
This is a song called "To Those Who Wait" by Bethany yourself a favor and go listen to it on iTunes.
I am waiting on You,
I am waiting on You.
You say You're good to those who wait.
My heart's discouraged,
So I come to You expectant.
You say You're good to those who wait.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won't run anymore.
I'm waiting on You.
Oh, wretched man that I am!
Free me from my distractions.
You say You're good to those who wait.
Then confession and repentance
Fine me in the quiet.
You say You're good to those who wait.
Now I know You're good to those who wait.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won't run anymore.
I'm waiting on You.
Oh, my soul,
Wait upon the Lord.
Keep your lamp filled with oil.
Oh, my soul,
Be not deceived!
Wait for Him.
Don't be quick to leave.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won't run anymore.
I'm waiting on You.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Coming to America
This past week has been one of the highlights of the year for me. Geoffrey was in visiting from Uganda and was able to spend some time in Louisiana. It was wonderful having him at my house and showing him life in LA. Many of you don't even know what that means....but as SaraBeth described it "you guys are like your own country." We just do things a little different around here and in the last 10 years of living here I have fully embraced it. I know Geoffrey got tired of us taking his picture and putting his every move on social media but we just wanted to enjoy every moment of his time here.
He and SaraBeth arrived on Thursday after an unexpected stay in Washington DC because of weather. His first night in America he got to experience a blizzard and the airport shutting down. On Thursday we were able to pick them up in Alexandria to start our adventures.

It was so good to have this guy sitting in my living room for a change. I told Andrew on the way to the airport that I had known Geoffrey for four years and he had never seen me freshly showered with make up on....he might not recognize me. After catching our breath and settling in we had a dinner planned for the team that went to Uganda last year. It was a fun little reunion. We had fried fish, gumbo and red beans and rice to welcome our African friend to Louisiana. I do believe he liked what he tasted.

Unfortunately jet lag is not a kind friend...our African was worn out at his own party.
Among other things we got into a game of dominoes where I beat Parker Pearson yet again! It was a good night for Big Momma!

Friday we spent the day running some errands and experiencing some more new things. Months ago when SaraBeth visited I introduced her to the viva vegas roll at Sake Sushi so we decided to take Geoffrey there for lunch. I knew this would be a hit or miss but we had a winner....and he mastered eating with chopsticks.

After sushi there was only one more food to introduce this trip...crawfish. That's right...we had to introduce Geoffrey and SaraBeth both to the yummy goodness of a mudbug. They liked them but said it was a lot of work.

On Saturday we ventured to Winnfield, LA where Andrew's family lives. We wanted to show Geoffrey that not all of America lives like New York. So on Saturday we enjoyed country living....riding four wheelers on the farm, petting animals, name it. I don't know who had more fun...Geoffrey or me.

He wouldn't ride the four wheeler but he got on for a picture.
SaraBeth and I would have played on the farm all day, however.


We did get him to finally drive the kabota and he loved it...

We only fished for a little while but Geoffrey and SaraBeth proved to be the fishermen of the group. The only thing I caught was crickets to use as bait. We all have a part to play and I took my role seriously. SaraBeth got the biggest catch of the day after I baited her hook...and Andrew took the fish off the hook so it was a team effort.


It wasn't all fun and games. Geoffrey preached at First Baptist Church Winnfield on Sunday and then we stayed that evening for Andrew's ordination service where Geoffrey prayed. It was a special thing to be part of and we had a great day.


Monday night we hosted an event at LC for students to hear Geoffrey and SaraBeth's stories and passion for caring for orphans and widows. The Lord blessed that event...students were generous in their giving and their interest in going. And it was so good to be back together with the team from last summer talking about Uganda and laughing over memories.

On Tuesday it was time to send them on their way....they have a busy month of traveling and speaking ahead of them. Loved having them though. We didn't send Geoffrey away empty handed. He got several new articles of clothing, the Daizy shirt in particular and a new pair of shoes that were donated by our local running store, Run Wild.

And Geoffrey even made a new friend during his stay....who would have ever imagined that he and Matti would hit it off so well??? There is hope for Matti girl that she will get to stay when Daizy arrives.

And then the airport farewells began....


Such a great week with such dear friends! Welcome to America Geoffrey!!
*sorry for the sideways's a pet peeve of mine but I can't get them turned and didn't want to exclude them
He and SaraBeth arrived on Thursday after an unexpected stay in Washington DC because of weather. His first night in America he got to experience a blizzard and the airport shutting down. On Thursday we were able to pick them up in Alexandria to start our adventures.
It was so good to have this guy sitting in my living room for a change. I told Andrew on the way to the airport that I had known Geoffrey for four years and he had never seen me freshly showered with make up on....he might not recognize me. After catching our breath and settling in we had a dinner planned for the team that went to Uganda last year. It was a fun little reunion. We had fried fish, gumbo and red beans and rice to welcome our African friend to Louisiana. I do believe he liked what he tasted.
Unfortunately jet lag is not a kind friend...our African was worn out at his own party.
Among other things we got into a game of dominoes where I beat Parker Pearson yet again! It was a good night for Big Momma!
Friday we spent the day running some errands and experiencing some more new things. Months ago when SaraBeth visited I introduced her to the viva vegas roll at Sake Sushi so we decided to take Geoffrey there for lunch. I knew this would be a hit or miss but we had a winner....and he mastered eating with chopsticks.
After sushi there was only one more food to introduce this trip...crawfish. That's right...we had to introduce Geoffrey and SaraBeth both to the yummy goodness of a mudbug. They liked them but said it was a lot of work.
On Saturday we ventured to Winnfield, LA where Andrew's family lives. We wanted to show Geoffrey that not all of America lives like New York. So on Saturday we enjoyed country living....riding four wheelers on the farm, petting animals, name it. I don't know who had more fun...Geoffrey or me.
He wouldn't ride the four wheeler but he got on for a picture.
SaraBeth and I would have played on the farm all day, however.
We did get him to finally drive the kabota and he loved it...
We only fished for a little while but Geoffrey and SaraBeth proved to be the fishermen of the group. The only thing I caught was crickets to use as bait. We all have a part to play and I took my role seriously. SaraBeth got the biggest catch of the day after I baited her hook...and Andrew took the fish off the hook so it was a team effort.
It wasn't all fun and games. Geoffrey preached at First Baptist Church Winnfield on Sunday and then we stayed that evening for Andrew's ordination service where Geoffrey prayed. It was a special thing to be part of and we had a great day.
Monday night we hosted an event at LC for students to hear Geoffrey and SaraBeth's stories and passion for caring for orphans and widows. The Lord blessed that event...students were generous in their giving and their interest in going. And it was so good to be back together with the team from last summer talking about Uganda and laughing over memories.
On Tuesday it was time to send them on their way....they have a busy month of traveling and speaking ahead of them. Loved having them though. We didn't send Geoffrey away empty handed. He got several new articles of clothing, the Daizy shirt in particular and a new pair of shoes that were donated by our local running store, Run Wild.
And Geoffrey even made a new friend during his stay....who would have ever imagined that he and Matti would hit it off so well??? There is hope for Matti girl that she will get to stay when Daizy arrives.
And then the airport farewells began....
Such a great week with such dear friends! Welcome to America Geoffrey!!
*sorry for the sideways's a pet peeve of mine but I can't get them turned and didn't want to exclude them
Monday, February 25, 2013
Girl's Gettaway 2013
Everyone needs a good group of girl friends who you can run away with for the weekend. Luckily I found mine this weekend. We planned this trip months ago and have been counting down the days until 4:30am Friday morning when we finally hit the road. I can honestly say I haven't laughed that hard in a long time....and that was just the car ride there. So thankful for a weekend away to relax, laugh, indulge in good food and just be.

Tylitha, Mandy, KB and Erin
My one request from the trip was to get some good seafood....specifically I wanted raw oysters and crab legs and was willing to pay whatever market price was for them. Mission accomplished!

I can't even begin to explain just how good this feast was. And just when I thought it couldn't be topped we ventured to LuLu's the next night and found a bread pudding on the dessert menu that was made from krispie kreme donuts. God only knows how many calories that bad boy had in it but it was soooooo good! That shouldn't even be legal.

Even though I fully enjoyed my dining experiences this weekend I didn't completely lose sight of my goal. I did something I have never done on vacation...exercised. I got up Saturday morning and did a 5k on the the rain I might add. It wasn't my best time by far but I felt quite accomplished. And then...I got up Sunday and did it again. Though I am sure the calories I burned in both walks combined didn't touch that bread pudding, I was proud of myself for putting in the miles.

and I took this pic just to use as a screen saver...I like to call it "motivation"

So thankful for these ladies and for a weekend filled with laughter...


...and though I fully enjoyed a weekend with the ladies I am still hoping and praying for a...

ha ha....couldn't resist sharing that picture and didn't know how to transition to it.
Happy Monday!
Tylitha, Mandy, KB and Erin
My one request from the trip was to get some good seafood....specifically I wanted raw oysters and crab legs and was willing to pay whatever market price was for them. Mission accomplished!
I can't even begin to explain just how good this feast was. And just when I thought it couldn't be topped we ventured to LuLu's the next night and found a bread pudding on the dessert menu that was made from krispie kreme donuts. God only knows how many calories that bad boy had in it but it was soooooo good! That shouldn't even be legal.
Even though I fully enjoyed my dining experiences this weekend I didn't completely lose sight of my goal. I did something I have never done on vacation...exercised. I got up Saturday morning and did a 5k on the the rain I might add. It wasn't my best time by far but I felt quite accomplished. And then...I got up Sunday and did it again. Though I am sure the calories I burned in both walks combined didn't touch that bread pudding, I was proud of myself for putting in the miles.
and I took this pic just to use as a screen saver...I like to call it "motivation"
So thankful for these ladies and for a weekend filled with laughter...
...and though I fully enjoyed a weekend with the ladies I am still hoping and praying for a...
ha ha....couldn't resist sharing that picture and didn't know how to transition to it.
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Training Update
So as the half marathon draws closer, training is in full swing. I have been walking/running consistently for three weeks now. I did two weeks of putting in 3.1 miles (5K) at least 4 days a week. This week it was time to step up my game and put in a few 6.2 mile days. I won't lie...I have been dreading this moment. Monday was the day. And then it rained. I was quite relieved and at the same time had another full day on Tuesday to dread the unknown. Well I can officially say that Amy and I put in 6.5 miles last night like champs. In fact when it was all said and done we both felt we had more in us. Maybe there is something to pushing past the wall. Dread has left the building and a spirit of "this is doable" is taking it's place.
So why a half marathon? Well for a year now I have steadily been chipping away at my weight loss goal of losing 100+ pounds. I have just hit a wall....not gaining, but not losing and that's frustrating. Something had to change. There needed to be a new motivation. I am surrounded by people in my church who are CrossFit crazy, marathon runners, etc. I love my little granola head community but they are living in a world I don't understand and can't compete in. I am so thankful that I have never felt left out because of it and in return a little fire has been lit inside of me that says....why not? Why not try it? Who says you can't do it?
When the Biggest Loser started incorporating a marathon as the final challenege for contestant years ago, it was something that I secretly put on my bucket list of things to do. So this was the year that I decided to prove to myself I could do it. I can be afraid to fail or afraid to try....OR I can conquer that fear and be proud of myself. It won't be won't be pretty...BUT IT'S POSSIBLE. And the added perk is that while my focus isn't on losing weight right now hopefully it will be a beautiful side note to this challenge.
NOTE: I felt great last night when I finished that 6.5 miles but today I can hardly move and I have been waddling when I walk. No pain. No gain.
Half marathon I am coming at you with a vengeance!!
So why a half marathon? Well for a year now I have steadily been chipping away at my weight loss goal of losing 100+ pounds. I have just hit a wall....not gaining, but not losing and that's frustrating. Something had to change. There needed to be a new motivation. I am surrounded by people in my church who are CrossFit crazy, marathon runners, etc. I love my little granola head community but they are living in a world I don't understand and can't compete in. I am so thankful that I have never felt left out because of it and in return a little fire has been lit inside of me that says....why not? Why not try it? Who says you can't do it?
When the Biggest Loser started incorporating a marathon as the final challenege for contestant years ago, it was something that I secretly put on my bucket list of things to do. So this was the year that I decided to prove to myself I could do it. I can be afraid to fail or afraid to try....OR I can conquer that fear and be proud of myself. It won't be won't be pretty...BUT IT'S POSSIBLE. And the added perk is that while my focus isn't on losing weight right now hopefully it will be a beautiful side note to this challenge.
NOTE: I felt great last night when I finished that 6.5 miles but today I can hardly move and I have been waddling when I walk. No pain. No gain.
Half marathon I am coming at you with a vengeance!!
Mardi Gras Madness
After living in New Orleans I have come to love Mardi Gras! I miss being in NOLA for this great holiday. I know that working for a baptist college means I probably shouldn't enjoy such a pagan holiday...but well...I do. So during our Mardi Gras....I mean "Spring Holiday" I made sure to take in all things MG. I started with my first round of crawfish for the season. 5lbs of absolute yummyness. My only regret is that I didn't grow up eating these bad boys. I am making up for it in adulthood.

Then it was on to the Alexandria Children's Parade. I love parades and had to keep telling myself it was for the kids when everything in me wanted to snatch beads from their little hands. I did manage to get a few good beads and a moonpie. When I lived in Mobile, AL this was the hit of parades and they don't really throw them in LA parades. I had just finished telling Amy about the yummyness of a microwaved moonpie on the way to the parade....and well look how the Lord had favor on me. I was holding a crying, scared Brayden and Amy turned around and held up the moonpie and said "look what I got you"....needless to say Brayden and I devoured it. I love getting to share these moments with the Chandler Family.

After the parade we headed to Raising Cane's....a Louisiana chain that has the best chicken fingers and dipping sauce you'll ever put in your mouth. And then it was on to the Alexandria Zoo. One of the local bakery stores in town was giving out free king cake at the zoo that afternoon. What is Mardi Gras without a king cake and if you're going to eat it then you might as well have the best one in town.
It was quite a fun filled day of taking in all things Louisiana with these cuties....


And in addition to the free king cake, the zoo had one of the Budweiser Clydesdale horses for you to take pictures with and pet. Those animals are massive and beautiful.

I wrapped up the holiday with a Mardi Gras party with dear friends eating more king cake and jambalaya on Fat Tuesday. And on Wednesday I made my first from scratch pot of red beans and rice. I feel like we sufficiently celebrated Mardi Gras 2013 in proper fashion.
Then it was on to the Alexandria Children's Parade. I love parades and had to keep telling myself it was for the kids when everything in me wanted to snatch beads from their little hands. I did manage to get a few good beads and a moonpie. When I lived in Mobile, AL this was the hit of parades and they don't really throw them in LA parades. I had just finished telling Amy about the yummyness of a microwaved moonpie on the way to the parade....and well look how the Lord had favor on me. I was holding a crying, scared Brayden and Amy turned around and held up the moonpie and said "look what I got you"....needless to say Brayden and I devoured it. I love getting to share these moments with the Chandler Family.
After the parade we headed to Raising Cane's....a Louisiana chain that has the best chicken fingers and dipping sauce you'll ever put in your mouth. And then it was on to the Alexandria Zoo. One of the local bakery stores in town was giving out free king cake at the zoo that afternoon. What is Mardi Gras without a king cake and if you're going to eat it then you might as well have the best one in town.
It was quite a fun filled day of taking in all things Louisiana with these cuties....
And in addition to the free king cake, the zoo had one of the Budweiser Clydesdale horses for you to take pictures with and pet. Those animals are massive and beautiful.
I wrapped up the holiday with a Mardi Gras party with dear friends eating more king cake and jambalaya on Fat Tuesday. And on Wednesday I made my first from scratch pot of red beans and rice. I feel like we sufficiently celebrated Mardi Gras 2013 in proper fashion.
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