Friday, September 12, 2008

Get Jonah Out of the Boat

Well I figure there is no better time to start blogging than now. Its officially hurricane season in the great state of Louisiana and it seems like the little town I live in can't get a break. I expected this kind of weather when I lived in New Orleans and I put up with it when I lived in Baton Rouge....but come on....I live in Central Louisiana....we should be far enough in to escape this mess!

We courageously or stupidly road out Hurricane Gustav and swore we would never do it again. Louisiana College was fortunate not to get more damage than it did but we still got enough to keep us busy for a while. We had about 40 students we had to move from their rooms to a new location and that was no small task. As the waters worked their way back to where they belong, here we sit just one week later watching Hurrcane Ike pound the coast of Texas and we are getting all kinds of rain and tornadoes.

All that to say....Remember the time I was OVER hurricane season? I am convinced we've got a Jonah in the boat and he needs to go, whoever he is!

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