Thursday, September 18, 2008

Not A Morning Person

Here I sit in my office at a few minutes past 8:00am and I can honestly say....I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. I take after my father in almost every way but this is just one thing I did not inherit. There is no cup of coffee that is strong enough, no shower that is hot enough and no breakfast that is yummy enough to match or surpass the comfort and enjoyment of being in my bed. In fact I would venture to say that one of the greatest inventions of all time was the snooze button. I am daily amazed at how hard I can sleep in just 5 minutes. When I am somewhere that I have to share a room I try to be considerate with my snooze button but when its just me in the comfort of my own bedroom I hit the snooze for about an hour. By that time I have either talked myself out of the need to take a shower or any other number of things to shave minutes off the getting ready process. All this at the age of 30. I think somewhere deep down in me there is something that longs to be a morning person....something that wants to believe that to sleep past 8am means I have wasted half the day away...but I am just not there yet. Is this a characteristic that comes with age or will I be the only 80 year old who loves to sleep late on Saturday mornings?

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