Monday, November 17, 2008


So you would think that after working in Residence Life for three years that nothing would really surprise me but oh how wrong you would be. These kids never cease to amaze me with the things they come up with. Take for example this past week....I had to confiscate paintball guns because students were shooting at the walls in their rooms and all over their buildings, as well as cars all over campus. Then only two days after that I got a call from maintenance that someone had pooped in the sink in the bathroom. Now why you gotta poop in the sink when there are three fully functional toilets that you had to pass to get to the sink? Gross me out. Even worse was that our poor housekeeper refused to clean it (as she should) but something had to give so Andrew and I put on our rubber gloves and got to the dirty work.

It's not always trouble that catches me off's the funny things too. For example this Sunday night after our RA meeting we were standing outside the BCM and Sara very calmly asked if Justin and Cody could assist her. I wasn't expecting what came next. Apparently Sara had put her leg through the guard rails and then couldn't get it back out. The guys tried pulling on the bars to give her a little wiggle room but to no avail. You know why they pay me the big bucks? After twenty minutes of Sara being stuck I tried the ole "soap it up" trick and out the leg came. I got a good laugh at Sara's expense. And then there is Eric and Brandon! I love days like today when without planning it they wear similar outfits. Brandon loves it but Eric hates it so he always goes home to change. Eric just needs to realize that they are soul mates and come to grips with it.

All the above reports were documented by the camera on my iPhone so enjoy!

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