Saturday, July 28, 2012

jumping hurdles

Since the Olympics have started and men's gymnastics is currently on TV I thought this blog post title fitting...not just because of the Olympics though. I got wonderful news today from Geoffrey that was blog worthy.

If you've ever known someone going through the adoption process you know that it is a journey full of hurdles to jump and hoops to jump through. It's funny how just anyone can leave a hospital with a newborn but in order to adopt you have to make a certain salary, have x number of square feet in your home per person living there, the water that comes from your faucets have to be a certain temperature....just to name a few. One of the many hurdles I knew was coming was finding Daizy's next of kin who would sign the legal papers to make her adoption possible. I have posted in previous posts that her mother died in child birth but her father is still living. I received word today that Geoffrey has found Daizy's next of kin who will be able to provide the needed paperwork when it comes time for court.

This news came the day after receiving another large donation in the mail that came so unexpectedly. To say that the Lord is working in this and through this adoption is an understatement. I am blown away.

Praise the Lord for his provision and his blessings....and thank you Lord for sweet Daizy...someone worth jumping hurdles for.

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