Friday, July 13, 2012

players gonna play!

One thing is for certain about this last trip to African brother had jokes and lots of them. I've always been that person that's easy to pick on and totally accept that it's how people show love. This go around I definitely got that kind of love from Geoffrey and I loved it! One of the many things we took as a donation to Acres of Hope was various board games. One day Geoffrey was looking through the stash of goodies and pointed to a checker game and asked me what it was. When I told him it was a game and asked if he knew how to play he picked up the box and shook it and asked if that was how you played. I asked him if he wanted me to teach him how to play and his response was "sure". I pulled the board out and asked if he wanted to be red or black and in a sly voice he said "I am black"....well of course you are. After giving very few instructions the game was underway. Within about 4 moves he double jumped me. I take a moment to tell you that I didn't explain to him a double jump so with a raised eyebrow I continued on. At about move number 8 he triple jumped me. At this point I knew I had been bamboozled. When I called him out on never having played before he quicklyl explained that sometimes the learner is better than the teacher. The game continued until I only had two kings against Geoffrey's numerous men. My loss was invevitable but I still wasn't willing to admit defeat so I continued to move my two kings back and forth....back and forth in just a few spots. Geoffrey chuckled and said "playing checkers with you in like chasing Kony." If you know anything of the history of Uganda and the LRA (lord's resistance army" you know how funny and yet not funny this statement was. Needless to say I lost. Later that night we were at Geoffrey's for dinner and he walked out from the back where he had been on the phone and stretched out his hand with his phone and said "it is for you." I took the phone and said hello....heellllooo...HELLO? As I looked down at the phone I noticed it was not even powered on. At this point Geoffrey finished his statement..."it is for you to use while you are here." Once again I had been had. Moral of the story---African's have jokes. Moral number two---I'm an easy target, apparently.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Oh my goodness that is hilarious!! Although bad on so many levels I love the Kony comment. I'm so happy you had such a great time there...wish we could have stayed longer. Next time!