Saturday, July 28, 2012

weight loss journey

I was glancing back on my post history last night and realized I havent given an update in a while on my weight loss journey. It has been slow going this summer but the scale is moving in the right direction. I am right a 35lbs weight loss. I haven't done my measurements in a while either....the last check was 18 inches lost. I am confident I have lost more inches based on how my clothes are fitting...or rahther not fitting. I am not down almost 4 sizes from where I started in February. I refused to buy any clothes until I could buy off the rack of a "normal store"....and that happened this week. For the first time in my adult life and the first time since Old Navy has been in existance I was able to wear pants off the rack. It was a happy day.

The real success is knowing that I feel better. I can tell a difference in my attitude and emotional health. In fact I have had two conversations this week where I was telling someone that I was in a better place spiritually, emotionally, and physically than I have been in the last 7 years.

Just wanted you to know that no mention of the weight loss journey didn't mean that it had come to screeching hault.

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