Monday, October 15, 2012

best plan B ever.

Sometimes my plans just don't work out the way I thought...ever been there? This weekend was one of those times and so I had to come up with Plan B and let me say it was the best plan B ever.

The last weekend in September I was suppose to go to the beach and due to some unforseen problems we didn't get to go. I had been saving up to go shopping in Foley to get some new "smaller" clothes. Not only did I not get to enjoy the beach, some seafood and time with my shopping trip was cancelled.

Over fall break my friend Amy got me all excited about going outlet shopping in Shreveport and then that fell through.

This past weekend I was suppose to go to Oxford, MS to see my friend Blake and go to the Auburn vs. Ole Miss game. Once I realized it was over an 8 hour drive and I would have to get a hotel room for two nights these free tickets weren't going to be so free. My seats weren't even with Blake so in reality I wouldn't get to spend much time with him at all. My sister and I finally had to make the call that the trip just wasn't worth it. After seeing the score of the game that was a good call on our part. War Eagle anyway!

So I began looking for new plans to get my shopping trip in...finally. So this weekend I went to stay with my friends Matt and Megan. I had so much fun this weekend. Friday night we went to see Matt's high school team play football in Independence Stadium.
Though the cowboys didn't win we had fun at the game and got a great picture out of it. After the game we went to TGI Fridays for dinner....I LOVE THAT PLACE!

Saturday we got up and headed for The Boardwalk in Shreveport so I could finally do some shopping. I cannot even tell you what a great feeling it is to be able to shop off the rack in stores like The Gap, Banana Republic, etc....I thoroughly enjoyed myself. My goal for the day was to get some new clothes and find things I normally wouldn't wear. Among many other things I wanted to brave buying a pair of colored jeans....mission accomplished.
Red skinny jeans....who would have thought. Pretty much everything I bought was a new look to my wardrobe and I am pretty excited about it. Daizy even got some new clothes from the GAP thanks to their clearance rack of summer clothes. My little diva is going to be styling and profiling this coming summer.

On Saturday evening we went to the LaTech vs. Texas A&M what a game! Both teams were ranked in the top 25....22 and 23 to be exact. We were cheering for the Tech Bulldogs who didn't win but played a heck of a game. I gotta say favorite part of the game was seeing Texas A&M's band at half time. Wow! What a show. I love A&Ms traditions.

Here are some pics from the game...
I'm not really sure what this face is about. I am realizing that I cannot be serious for a picture. And then there is the next picture where I was doing the hand sign for the dawgs and Matt refusing to throwing up a dawgs sign. You can take the boy out of LC but you can't take LC out of the boy.

So after a great weekend catching up with friends, getting some new clothes and eating some good food I was headed back home where some happies awaited me. I asked two of my students to apartment/dog sit so I got home and not only found a happy dog but these two pics they had made for me. One was on Daizy's bed and the other was on my bed. Can a weekend get any better? I think not.

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