Wednesday, October 17, 2012


The last few days I have just been cranky....not really sure why. Little things that people have said and done have just irritated the mess out of me. I guess I should have expected that after looking back in my journal and seeing some things I have specifically asked the Lord to do in my life. After reading a devotional the other day from Jesus Calling about how easily we can put people in our lives above Jesus, I just asked that the Lord would help me not to do this with the friends I lean on the most.

Here's the reality, it's easy to run to people we can see and touch when things go wrong...or even when all the world is going right. We want a reaction, we want affirmation that we don't have to tune in intently to get. There are some key people in my life that fill this role when Jesus is desperately wanting to be the one I want to tell at the first sign of good news or trouble. I fail at this daily but I am trying. And here's what doesn't make sense....He never fails to meet my expectations. In fact, Ephesians 3:20-22 talks about how Jesus will always exceed my expectations. When friends don't respond to your text meesages immediately or at all or they are busy with their own lives to be concerned with yours, you are left feeling empty and hurt. Unmet expectations suck.

And while I have found myself being cranky lately because of unmet the most gentle of ways Jesus has helped put things in perspective. When I get frustrated it's because "MY" expectations aren't met...."MY" wants and needs are attended to....when it's not about "ME"....this lesson coming from a particular song I've listened to several times lately.

Before you gasp....yes, I have been listening to Christmas music already. There is a song on Shane and Shane's Christmas album called "Born to Die" and it is such a great reminder not only of the sacrifice Christ has made for me but the way I am suppose to live my life...dying to self and living for Christ alone. Those dots may not be perfectly connected through this blog post, but for me this morning it made perfect sense.

Here are the lyrics to the song:

When the babe was born, in a manger on the hay, God saw the veil torn, He saw Good Friday.
He was born to die.
Gold laid before the Christ, incense, His presence is sweet. Mur to signify victory o’er death’s sting.
He was born to die.
It came in a dream, to Joseph late one night, that Harrod sought the King but could not take His life.
He was born to die.
He said, “You don’t take my life. You won’t take me life. You don’t take my life, I lay it down.”
We came here today to celebrate His birth. Let us not forget why Jesus came to earth…
He was born to die.
He was born to die.

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