Tuesday, October 28, 2008

LC Homecoming 2008

This past weekend was homecoming for LC and what a busy but great weekend it was. In my three years here I have never experienced the energy and excitement that I did Saturday. It was wonderful to be able to have a stadium on campus to play the game....a TRUE HOMECOMING. All the events leading up to the game were well attended and lots of fun. Monday night was Fear Factor sponsored by the BCM, Tuesday was Homecoming Honey hosted by the LC Cheerleaders, Wednesday was Last Man Standing, Thursday was Hoedown sponsored by Union Board and Friday was the bonfire and prayer/dedication of the field.
Last year we started a tradition of the homecoming parade. The winning float this year won a $1000 cash prize so Residence Life was in it to win it. We worked on our float all week. I didn't get any really good pictures of it but it was a giant football helmet made of 1500 balloons. Wowzers. We also got the Little Caesars chariot to parade the mascot and Dr. Joe. WE WON!!!!

Here are some pictures of the weeks festivities:

here is the side of the helmet

part of the RA staff riding in the truck throwing candy and shirts

the Wildcat, Alex, and his chariot

the construction begins!

a sweet treat fro the occassion....putting my cake decorating skills to work

Megan and Matt in a sea of balloons

my wildcat paw print pumpkin that rotted before game day

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