Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rock the VOTE

Well well well....at the tender age of 30 I am going to exercise my right to vote. I have taken much criticism from Jen Young Rice as well as other women in my life who have been disappointed with me as a Christian and a woman for not voting. If my voter registration card gets here in time I will be supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin. I won't lie I have lots of worries and reservations about this election and both presidential candidates but I am sticking with the republican party for good or for bad!


Daniel J. Carrington said...

No need to have reservations. You go ahead and vote how you believe. I'm a bit surprised that you'd be getting flack from other believers about leaning to the conservative side.

All that aside, though, it would bad for EITHER party to have a stranglehold on two-thirds of the government. With the Dems in charge of the House and Senate, we need to at least keep some balance.

kb thomas said...

I am not getting flack from other believers about voting for the conservative party....I have gotten flack for not voting at all. It was well deserved flack!