Friday, April 23, 2010

DAY 4 and 5: losing track of time apparently

For those of you who have been following faithfully, worry not..I didn't die after day three. Day 4 I woke up feeling good, moving swiftly and ready for another beat down only for another schedule conflict. Day 4 turned into another swim day but it was a good work out. I finally got back to swimming a mile along with doing sets of leg exercises.

Day 5 and we're back on the field...IN THE RAIN! How hardcore are we? Angie had to leave town today but we got a new workout partner. One of my head advisors, Sara, has now joined our crew. Today was Sara and I running and being put through the ringer together. We did a lot of the same drills we did on Monday and added a few extra. Are you ready for it? I didn't THROW UP TODAY! When we got to the jump squats and low bars that pushed me over the edge Monday, I took a deep breathe and pushed through. Today was not without it's challenges. I wasn't gasping for air like I was on Monday but I was having leg cramps like nobodies business. We had to walk up an incline to get to the field today and as I walked up my hamstrings tightened up and made every sprint harder than it already had to be. GLORY.

The new addition to today's workout was throwing this tire as far as we could and then running to it and throwing it again and doing that over and over for 30 seconds. I don't have quite the arm I had as a softball player but I am still quite the slugger. I was averaging about 10 yards a throw with that tire. When I thought I was done with the tire...there was more. We would have to squat down, pick it up and throw it over our heads, oh my word. Again doing this over and over for 30 seconds. We finished the day with yo yos and 110 yard sprints. I might as well call what I did a 110 yard jog...I was moving slow as molasses but I was proud of myself that I never stopped running.

It's now almost 10pm and I can't get off the couch but I survived week one and will find it in myself to be ready for another beat down on Monday. I owe a big thanks to Hayden for his patience in training me...he has been so gracious and had a great sense of humor.

I almost forgot to mention that on Thursday night we had an RA event called Battle of the Sexes. One of the challenges was a match up between a guy and a girl doing push ups. I was vocal about making fun of the guy for getting beat by the girl. I realized that Hayden gave me a funny look because he knew that I couldn't do a single push up and yet I was making fun of this kid. So with that I knew that today there would be push ups. I still can't do them correctly but I did them on a bench which makes them a little easier. All I know is that for the first time I did a push up and one day I will be doing them the regular way.

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