Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Workout Day One: "barely survived"

Well yesterday at 6:30pm was my first official workout with my trainer Hayden. After working out for almost three weeks by myself on the treadmill and simply making smart choices I lost 9lbs so I was anxiously awaiting taking my workouts to take it to the next level. I think I far surpassed the next level and maybe the 10 levels that followed that yesterday...but I survived. Honestly I don't remember what all we did because after the first ten minutes I was dizzy and gasping for air and trying not to pass out the rest of the workout. Let me just go ahead and get it out there that YES I did throw up during the workout. I might be ruined on bananas for a while...they just aren't the same the second time around. Here are just some of the things we did that I vaguely remember doing...
We started with a brisk run around the football field to get our heart rate up. Shamefully I only ran half way before I started walking and then picked back up running. One day I will be running that thing like a champ but that day was not today!
After our warm up run we moved on to stretches and I was already feeling light headed...not a good sign.
At some point there were 10 yard sprints...lunges, squats, kicks, punching some bag that Hayden was holding. We ran something called a death square. The point at which I threw up was after doing squat to jumps as seen in the picture below....

We also ran these sprints called yo yos or suicides where you run 5 yards and then run backwards, run 10 yards and then run it backwards, run 15 yards and then run it backwards and then run 20 yards and run it backwards. UGH!!

I'll say this for my first workout. I am sore. I am tired. I am dehydrated. BUT I feel accomplished. I know I probably wasn't able to go as fast or as hard at most things as Hayden would like but I at least did everything he asked even through the vomit. I DID IT...I survived day one.

Day two is now underway on the schedule is swimming laps if I can still move at 6:30 tonight.


Davis Liston Sharp said...

Hi Kb! I saw your post on Facebook and thought I would check out your blog. I didn't know you had one! I love the title of your Blog :)

I am really proud of you for the goals you have set. I love that you said it is about making one good choice at a time, and one bad choice doesn't mean we blow the rest of the day. That is so true for any area in our life that lacks discipline.

I look forward to hearing of your progress!

Davis Liston Sharp said...

Davis Liston Sharp is our son...This is Alison Sharp, wife of Wes! I didn't realize it would come up with his name

Shannon said...

running half the field without stopping is not bad!