Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Glorious WORKOUT FREE Day of Rest

It's been a great week and I am feeling good but I am so thankful to have two days off to heal from all the exercising that has thrown this chunky monkey into shock this week! Instead of working out my body today...I gave my heart a run for it's money. I attended a Beth Moore simulcast at my church on her new book "So Long Insecurities" and it was soooo good! I've never really been a fan of her Bible studies because they are so long and take so much time every day but to hear her speak and on this subject in particular was very timely. If there is one thing the enemy does well is keeps women defeated by self-doubt and insecurity. It was just a great day of worship with the 600 women that were at our location and the 300,000 that were tuned in all over the continental US.

I did get to climb stairs quite a few times today so it wasn't totally workout free. I even managed to vacuum the stairs in my apartment without dying. I finished the afternoon by taking Matti for a walk around campus and now she is sacked out on the couch. Maybe she needs to be in Hayden boot camp if that walk wore her out.

I'm looking forward to worship tomorrow and then a crawfish boil to celebrate Parker's 1st birthday. Hard to believe the little guy is already a year old! Happy Birthday P-RO!

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