Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Must Read (my Wednesday recommendation)

I am not a big read but after hearing everyone say how great these books are I finally gave in and started the first of the trilogy. I must say that the purchase was prompted by a long winter stay at my sister's house with no cable but now I am hooked. In fact I've become a little anti social reading my book. If you're looking for a good read you need to pick up this trilogy call The Hunger Games. The movie is coming out in a few months and for the first time ever I read the book before the movie and will probably be disappointed by the movie. (Thanks Jodi and Andrew)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

yes please...

So we Thomas' may not always get along but there is one thing we know how to do well...EAT!! I always look forward to trips home because I always know there will be good food. Whether it's eating out or cooking in this is an art we have (fortunately and unfortunately) mastered.

My personal favorite when I come home is a chain found only in Alabama called Milo' burger, fries and sweet tea that money can buy. The special bar-b-que sauce with grilled onion, cheese and pickles is amazing. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Thank you Milo's for making bad days better and good days out of this world with just one tasty bite.

And this next picture was my Christmas breakfast feast. We normally have grits, breakfast casserole, sausage balls and things of the sort. One year I made from scratch cinnamon rolls but had to get up before Santa even came to make them. That process made a huge mess in my sister's tiny little kitchen. Oh and I almost caught the oven on fire when the filling overflowed in the bottom of the oven. Needless to say I haven't made those again. This year we wanted something different so I decided to make french toast with real french bread. I added a little cream cheese/powered sugar mixture in between the slices with some fresh blueberries and topped with warm syrup and was divine. In fact we had round 2 for breakfast today.

Oh and how could I forget the trip home...the eating good started early. I carpooled with my friends Andrew and Victoria Hunter who were heading to Tuscaloosa. So we left Pineville on Wednesday morning with one destination in mind and it wasn't where we were each going in Alabama. It was to a little hole in the wall place called "The Donut Shop" in Natchez, MS. It was a place featured in Alton Brown's book "Feasting on Asphalt." I'll be the fisrt to admit that I was skeptical when Andrew said they were the best donuts ever. I mean seriously I didn't get this jolly by not eating hot and now Krispie Kreme donuts from early childhood until now. But I stand corrected because they truly were the best donuts I have ever put in my mouth. Praise the Lord I don't go through Natchez often or I wouldn't fit in my car.

The other little gem we feasted on the way home was a little establishment called Newk's. I've heard of the place but the only time I am ever near one is when I am traveling alone with Matti and it's not a fast food drive through kind of place. Since I was with company we made the stop and left Matti in the car. It's a good thing my white bar-b-que chicken sandwich was amazing and the company was great because Matti went crazy in the back of the car barking at people walking by and all my previously wrapped presents now had nice size peep holes where she tore the paper. You win some, you lose some. Newk's was definitely a win!

Happy eating friends!

Monday, December 26, 2011

a new series: Monday My Way

So after meeting my sister's friend Chuck who happens to be a follower of my blog...I decided it was time to start a series so that maybe I would be more faithful to my blogging. Truth is, I love to blog...I just forget to do it. So here is my first attempt and we shall call it Monday My Way. This series will be about how things would be if KB was making the calls on what was cool, socially acceptable,humanly possible, etc.

#1 stretchy pants and oversized hoodies would be appropriate to wear for ALL occassions

#2 farts would smell like fresh linen and would be no less acceptable than sneezing in public because just like a sneeze some of us can't hold it in (my mom always told me there is more room out than in)

#3 flip flops could be worn year round without your feet getting cold

#4 if it isn't suppose to have hair and thus requires plucking, shaving, waxing...well dang it then hair wouldn't grow there in the first place

And those are my initial thoughts for this Monday's addition of Monday My Way. Let me hear your feedback if you like the series or have other ideas for things I could do. I've seen people do "wordless Wednesdays" where they just post a picture for the day. I might jump on that bandwagon...who knows.'s to stretchy pants!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

a month of thanksgiving overview

For those of you who aren't friends of mine on facebook I did a month of Thanksgiving in my statuses for the month of November. I wanted to take a minute to recap them here so I can come back to this list easily on days I need a reminder to be thankful for the blessings in my life.

Day 1: The inventor of/invention of the Neti pot...for all sinus sufferers you know how life changing this is!

Day 2: the blessing of living in a country of abundance and convenience. Today I had someone paint my toes for me, a machine is currently washing my clothes and dishes and I can put my trash outside for someone to pick up. Seriously, I am blessed and take these things for granted.

Day 3: thankful I get to live life with college students! Even on tough days I'm thankful for God's call on my life to minister to students.

Day 4: so thankful for fun traditions that give me something to look forward to: mom's weekend, carving pumpkins, new pjs on christmas eve, etc. Mom's Weekend 2011 has been a blast so far!!

Day 5: as I sit here eating a home cooked meal and watching Alabama football I'm reminded how thankful I am for my family. I grew up learning the importance of dinner around the kitchen table and the value of SEC football. We may put the fun in dysfunctional but my family has made me who I am today and I love them!

Day 6: thankful to have amazing friends that are family especially since my family is so far away. No one has filled that role better since I came to Pineville than the Chandlers. From feeding me, to catching rodents in my apartment, to vacations, to home improvement projects, to just living life in true community. I love you guy and am so thankful for the three (soon to be four) of you!

Day 7: I'm incredibly thankful for my spiritual mentors in all seasons of my life. I'm still processing and trying to live out the things they have taught me through their words and their lives.

Day 8: I'm thankful for all my "kids" over the years of doing student ministry that have kept in touch and are truly my family. Blessed to be having dinner with one of my LSU boys tonight as he passes through town. (Chris Carter)

Day 9: I'm thankful for my job for the first time in a long time. I get paid to plan events and trips for college students. Seriously?!?! Who gets to do that? This girl! And I'm loving it.

Day 10: I'm thankful for laughter and for people who make me laugh daily. Laugther really is good medicine.

Day 11: so thankful for the freedom I enjoy and take for granted. Thanks to all our men and women who give their lives protecting our country. Especially thankful for the veterans in my life, my dad and pappy!

Day 12: still holding out hope I will get to be a mom one day but until then I'm so thankful for all the precious babies of my friends that I get to be Aunt Kabes to.

Day 13: even though I am so stinking sore from laying laminate floor I am thankful my parents instilled in me the ability to do things around the house for myself. AND I'm incredibly thankful for Cory's help!

Day 14: after a really frustrating day at work I'm thankful for two things...#1 the red beans and rice and cornbread that are currently cooking that will redeem this evening and #2 that the Lord's grace and patience with me isn't equal to the grace and patience that I've bestowed on others.

Day 15: I am so thankful today for my girl, Matti. She's been a great companion during some lonely days of depression and a daily source of unconditional love and entertainment. She's more than a pet (judge if you must)..she's family. We are going on five years together and I can't imagine life without her.

Day 16: I'm thankful for the genius who came up with pre-lit Christmas trees, wreaths and garland. It's not a spiritual or mooshy thanks giving today but as someone who decorates half our college campus I assure you it's sincere gratitude.

Day 17: I'm thankful for my friend Alana Pate! She has been my right hand lady for going on 6 years and my personal hair stylists who outdid herself last night on my new do.

Day 18: I'm thankful my dad is coming for a whole week to help me with home improvement projects around my apartment. Hopefully today was the last time I have to rig up my dishwasher to the sink faucet.

Day 19: I'm thankful our bodies are resilient and can recover quickly. After laying floors and moving furniture all day I am so sore but will be back to normal in a few days.

Day 20: Thankful for the peace of God that He intends to dwell in me daily. "Therefore since you have been justified by faith you have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1

Day 21: thankful that 2/3rds of my family will be here in just a few short hours to spend Thanksgiving week with me in Pineville. Unfortunately divorce is a reality for so many families...mine I won't get to see mom until Christmas but I love you and look forward to our New Year's trip!

Day 22: thankful Brayden Samuel Chandler arrived safely today and that he and Amy are healthy. I love my Chandler family of four!

Day 23: I'm thankful for my dad is a "handy man"...this week I'm reaping the benefits of his labor!

Day 24: I'm thankful for the opportunity to travel to Uganda three times in the last year. That place, the people (two in particular) and the experience have forever changed my life. I've realized how blessed and fortunate I am. I've also learned the importance of sacrificing to help meet the needs of others...that is when we are truly the body of Christ. Missions isn't just an opportunity for some, it's a glorious obligation for believers.

Day 25: I'm thankful that #1 all the apartments projects are complete except the floors in the last bedroom #2 I got some great deals today on stuff I didn't even know I needed #3 I've been able to just hang out with my dad and sister watching Storage Wars for the last three hours. Life is good!

Day 26: I'm going to bed for the last time with my family in my apartment. I'm so thankful they came and for all my dad's hard work. It may be a long time before he willingly comes back.

Day 27: I'm thankful that I can sit in my apartment (newly remodeled and decorated for Christmas) listening to Christmas music, drinking a cup of coffee and looking at the treel all alone but certainly not lonely! (that hasn't always been the case) #blessed

Day 28: I'm thankful today that I received y last car note in the mail!! The explorer is officially paid in full!!!

Day 29: It's been a busy day and it's going to be a late night getting all the decorations up for Gala and Christmas on the I'm thankful today for coffee, especially the peppermint mocha variety!!

Day 30: I'm thankful for pharmacies and over the country meds on weeks like this when you don't have time to go to the doctor.

I recently read someone's post on facebook that said what if you woke up tomorrow with only what you thanked God for today? I'm so glad God doesn't operate that way but this month of giving thanks was a great reminder to be thankful for all that I've been blessed with.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas on the lake (1st of many)

We are celebrating our first Christmas on the lake this year so as I wait for the yummy food to cook I snapped a few shots tonight. Enjoy and Merry Christmas everyone!

and finally...

Me and Matti girl posing for our 2011 picture.
Merry Christmas from "my family" to yours!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the makeovers continue...

For those of you who know me well or have been through multiple season you know how much I love change...the kind I can control. The two things that get changed the most are the arrangment of my apartment and my hair (cut and/or color). Well in the last month I've done both.

Here is my new haircut and color...with bangs. I never get bangs but I've actually enjoyed them so far. The picture at the top of my blog was just taken recently with the new do. This picture was the night I got my hair cut. I am not sure what I am going to do without Alana when she graduates. She has cut my hair for 6 years now and always does my hair and make up for big events.

I'm not the only one who got a makeover. My dad and sister came up/over to Pineville for the week of Thanksgiving to help me with some projects around the house. It was great having help and company and REALLY nice not having to make the 8 hours drive to Alabama. While they were here my sister, Teri, got a makeover of her own. I come from an accident prone family but usually my dad and I are the ones who get hurt. Considering we were the only ones doing manual labor that week it really is shocking that Teri got hurt but well....

on Thanksgiving morning she fell in the shower and hit her face on the sink. By the end of the night she had a pretty good shiner. The crazy thing is my dad and I were busy working on projects that morning so we were coming in and out of the apartment and never heard her fall or call for help. Needless to say she wasn't very chipper the rest of the day and we got strange and even dirty looks from people the next day when we were out and about. I guess everyone assummed my dad was beating us.

Teri and I weren't the only ones getting new looks. My apartment has pretty much been flipped in the last month. New kitchen remodel, new bathroom tile floors, new laminate apartment has never looked so good. Here are some pics of the new features in the 403.

the bathrooms

the kitchen

we actually painted the countertops to look like marble/granite and it turned out so well for so cheap! The cabinets got a fresh coat of paint and some new hardware to dress it up a little. I love the new baskets that we added under the cabinet to hold my spices which freed up a shelf for coffee mugs and then we added another shelf to hold the rest of my mugs. It's crazy how just adding a piece of crown molding around the cabinets made a world of difference.

My dad hooked up my portable dishwasher permanently to the water under the sink so I don't have to hook it to the kitchen sink. I love my pops! He's a handy man and so is Cory...I got a whole new apartment for ZERO $ in labor charges. Thank you both!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

a pleasant interruption

So in all honesty Cory and I were both worn out from laying flooring but the real reason we stopped is because it was time to welcome Baby Chandler #2 to the world.
Now introducing Brayden Samuel Chandler born on November 22, 2011 weighing in at 8lbs 30z and 20inches long. I couldn't be happier to stop laying floors to hold this little bundle of joy. Welcome to our crazy world Brayden!

This is the outfit I bought for his big brother, Noah, that he never wore because he had outgrown it before he was even born.

And this is the pose we have affectionately called "Surrender" because he doesn't stand a chance against his rowdy older brother.

Because of the busyness of life right now with the holidays and events I've had going on I have only gotten to see this sweet boy twice but I look forward to lots of cuddle time in the near future. Congrats Amy and Cory on your family of four!

the elves have been busy

So I've been a busy little elf around my apartment the last month or so doing a complete makeover of my apartment. After taking my new position at Louisiana College I decided it was time to plant roots and make some improvements to my home of going on 6 years. I totally forgot to take before pictures of all our projects but oh can still appreciate the work that was done.

FIRST PROJECT--pulling up all the carpet and laying laminate flooring throughout the upstairs! Wish I had done this years ago for the sake of my allergies. I can tell such a huge difference with all the carpet being gone.
This was after we pulled up the carpet in my bedroom....who knew there was tile under there this entire time? And that would be Cory Chandler hard at work. I owe that guy my life for all his free labor.

This picture was the start of the floor being put down...

And this picture was after almost all of it was laid...

We only have one more room to lay down, the stairs and all the molding. For now the elves needed a break.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Adventure Trip #3

This weekend was LC's fall break which meant it was time for the annual Adventure Trip! We left at 6am on Thursday and spent three nights camped out in the mountains of Tennessee. We always have a very diverse group of students go which makes for an entertaining trip. Thursday we traveled all day and then set up camp. My dad and Scotty have joined us the last two years to do all the cooking for us...what a blessing! Friday we went on a 6000 foot long zip line tour and then rafted the Ocoee River. Here is my sad confessions: #1 I grew up rafting the Ocoee and still get nervous every time #2 I'm apparently so out of shape that there isn't a muscle on my body that doesn't hurt right now. We had a blast though and watching my 67 year old dad zip line upside down was certainly one of my highlights this trip. On Saturday we went to the Chattanooga Zoo, ate at the Mellow Mushroom and went to the IMAX. We got an unplanned adventure because there was a blue grass festival and a paddle board race going on at the river front that we got to enjoy. And then came early departure from camp to get back to Pineville at a decent time. We had gotten up, broken down camp and hit the road by 6:04am eastern time. Wowzers! We had an awesome trip though and pics to come soon.

Monday, September 26, 2011

welcome back kabes!

I feel like every blog entry the last six months has started with an apology for falling off the face of the earth has! Sorry. In the absence of blogging there has been a great discovery though...I've found "kabes" again! For those of you who've only known me from 2006 to present or better known as my LC years, you have no idea who kabes is. Kabes is one of the nicknames I picked up in my high school years from my friend Jay McFarland and it has stuck with me. All through my 8 summers of working Centrifuge kabes is all I was known by. I feel schizophrenic just writing this blog but oh well...kabes is back. I came to Louisiana College broken, hurting and suffering from depression. That's a bad combo when you are starting a new job, much less one that is incredibly stressful that requires you to put out fires every day, field complaints, etc, etc, etc. To say that the last five years have been hard is an understatement and yet I wouldn't change them for the world. I have learned so much about myself and so much about the graciousness and love of the Lord.It's been a tough season but a necessary one.

The seasons have changed now! The Lord has allowed me to be refreshed. As I started my new job as the Student Activities Director in August my biggest fear was that students would be dissappointed with the change. You see the old student activities director is a good friend of mine. Eric is fun, playful, loud, life of the party kind of guy. Since I've been at LC those are not things that would describe me at all. From the emotional state I was in to the demands of my job the fun loving kabes was lost. I knew stepping into this new job that given some time she would make her way back out as my stress level changed, as my spirit was nourished, as I got rest and the pace I was living life changed. And well my friends...Kabes is back! I'm being reminded every day that I really do love students! I really do enjoy being on a college campus! I really do enjoy just hanging out and being part of kids lives! I don't dread coming to work every day. Quite honestly the greatest compliment I have been paid the last month has been various people noticing a change in my demeanor. Unfortunately and regretably no one at LC has ever experienced Kabes until recently. Welcome back kabes!! Welcome back!

For those who've loved me through the last six years....thank you! Thank you for understanding that we all have rough patches that the Lord ordains for a reason. I can't promise it won't happen again but in the mean time I am loving the life and the season the Lord has laid out before me. I'm trying to soak it up like a sponge and invest wholeheartedly in students and in friendships that have suffered through the dry season.

"give thanks to the Lord for he is good! his love endures forever!"

Monday, August 29, 2011


To say that the last month has been overwhelming is an understatement. The last thing I want to do is turn this blog entry into one big complaint but I am ready for the pace of my life to slow down so that I can begin to enjoy my new job, my friends, my family, etc. These last few weeks I haven't known whether I was coming or going and that is no good for my sanity. This picture pretty much describes how I have felt....trying to eat from an extremely large spoon. Or as my friend and new boss Eric would say..."we've been drinking from a fire hydrant."

Here's an overview of the last few weeks:
August 1-7th Head Advisor training and the start of training my replacement
August 8-12 Residenct Assistant Training and continued training of my replacement
August 13-14th MOVE IN DAYS for students
Agustu 15-19 Welcome Week and Registration and continued training of my replacement
August 22-26 First week of classes, continued training of my replacement and the beginning of going insane because I still didn't have an office, voicemail, emails, etc

This Saturday I finally came up to the office with the help of Christian Vige and did a complete make over of my office. Pictures are on my facebook wall if you want a peak.

Today is the official start of my new job and the release from housing issues, etc. Life has been a little overwhelming, a little stressful and unfortunately in the pinch I have not always responded with grace. I started today with a good cup of coffee and some sweet time in the Word and trusting that when Paul says that God is working in me giving me the DESIRE and the POWER to do what please Him that it's true. So here's to living in the power, knowledge and truth that Christ at work in me!

Happy Monday friends!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while....lack of blogging has not meant lack of fun and exciting things going on. The next two weeks are going to be insanely busy so there will not be much blogging BUT this is just a preview of what you have to look forward to in a few weeks...

I went to Uganda again for two weeks and I have pictures and stories coming your way!

I went to the beach on vacation with the Chandlers and have lots of pictures of Noah in the sand and funny stories to share.

Oh and I took a new job!! Yep, after five years of pouring my life into Residence Life at Louisiana College I am moving on...I've been praying for quite some time about a change in position/location. I wasn't expecting the Lord to answer my prayer by keeping me at LC but I am thankful that He provided a way for me to stay and make a job change that is a better fit for me. Housing was taking years off my life. As of today I am the new Student Activities Director. I get to plan on the student events on campus. Fun! I got a raise, I don't have to move out of my apartment, I get a fun and less stressful job....this was a win win situation all the way around. I am still working with the new housing director to train the head advisors and RAs over the next few weeks and then I will completely transition from housing. The Lord is good and I am walking away feeling accomplished in what we've been able to do in the last five years. I leave the new director in good hands with a great staff and I am leaving the staff in good hands with their new director.

With that being said....lots has happened in the last month I just haven't stopped to blog about any of it but that will happen soon.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

a dog that is well loved....

....will never know they are even a dog!

I know many of you won't agree with that statement but for those of you who've had a pet that has snuggled close to you after you've had a hard day, wagged their tale off every time they see you come through the door, brought you their bone because it was all they had to give....then you understand how they become part of your family.

I completely realize that my Matti girl is spoiled rotten and totally ridiculous but she has seen me through some rough, lonely days of depression...she's made me laugh, she's made me feel less alone in an empty apartment, she's been my traveling buddy....she's my friend and my baby.

This sappy post brought to you for two reasons...#1 Matti is about to go stay with my sister for a month while I travel the globe and I miss her terribly just thinking about not seeing her for a month. #2 Some dear friends of mine who love their dog as much if not more than I do, lost their baby this week. My heart is broken for them and has really gotten me even more sentimental where Matti is concerned.

Here's a picture of "The Jada Bug"...we will miss you sweet Jada. Praying for you Parker and Ashley.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

life lately...

Well summer time has favorite time of the year I must add. I love all things summer! I haven't really blogged much because nothing really blog worthy is going on. This will be a catch all entry an attempt to let you know what I've been up to so far this summer.

There's been a trip to Dry Creek to speak at Girl's Opp with Kristen and Kellie...there has been my version of pool time (with and without friends)...there has been lots of grilling and eating watermelon. The latest adventure has been the purchase of a kayak. I haven't gotten it out yet but hopefully as soon as I get back from Uganda. Oh yeah....did I mention I am going back to Africa next week? I am leading another team for ISF to my Uganda for two glorious weeks and then after I return I will be going to the beach with the Chandlers. So I am pretty much going to be off work the whole month of July...GLORY! That's just a glimpse into my uneventful but fabulous summer.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Romans 8:28

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose."

I shared last week about that verse and the sermon that I preached to myself all the way home from the movie theater. This week I am writing a four series bible study on that verse. Every June for the last four years I have spoken at Girls Opportunity Camp at Dry Creek and I love it. Most of the girls that attend this camp are from the inner city and have lived a rough life. If you know me at all you know this kind of camp is near and dear to my heart. Next week I will be speaking at that camp once again and I am teaching four sessions on this verse. Here's the breakdown of what I am going to be talking about...

Session One: "And We Know..."
the reason we can know that God works for our good is because it's his nature
We're going to go through a quick overview from the OT to the NT of what each book tells us about God's character

Session Two: "for our good..."
we can trust that God is continuing to work things for our good because of the good works he has already done....the work of salvation and the gift of his spirit
*worry not I am not going to get all charismatic on them but the Holy Spirit dwells in us for our good

Session Three: "for those who love God"
we are going to talk about how we practically love God on a daily basis

Session Four: "for those called according to his purpose"
we are going to spend the last session talking about what God's purpose is for our lives....not what we want to be when we grow up, but what are we created for

So I share that little bit to say if you read this pray for me. I am certainly loving the writing process of this bible study and I know it's already speaking volumes to me. I pray it meets each of these girls where they are and shows them they have a bright future ahead if they will walk with the Lord.

Monday, May 23, 2011

sweet 16

So for those of you who faithfully read my blog I have a question to pose to you today...what did you do for your sweet 16th? The only thing I really remember was that I had made plans to drive me and my friends to the Birmingham Bulls hockey game and ended up failing my drivers test so my older sister had to drive us. After the game I ended up going to a grocery store and buying myself a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake and sat in our basement with my friend Angela and ate almost the whole thing. Wasn't one of my most stellar birthdays for sure. I can tell you what I didn't do for my sweet 16...I didn't tell everyone to not buy me gifts but instead raise money for missions.

I was truly blown away by this story yesterday...
One of my teammates for Uganda this summer is also one of my LC students. She called me yesterday to tell me that one of her former campers (she worked at SkyRanch) wanted to help her raise money for her trip and so instructed everyone attending her sweet 16 party to donate money to Amber's trip instead of giving her gifts. Talk about an amazing 16 year old...and what a testimony to the impact Amber had on this girl. She called Amber to tell her she was sending her the money and Amber was incredibly gracious but told her that she had already raised more than enough. Amber told the girl that her friend (me) was still short on her funds for the trip and would she consider dontating the money to me. The young lady told her she would pray about it and call her back. When she called Amber back she told her that she felt that the Lord led her to help Amber get to Africa and if what was needed was money for a teammate to go then I was welcome to the money. Imagine my disbelief yesterday as Amber tells me of this 16 year old girl...whom I do not know, not even her name, has donated $500 towards my trip. Amazingly enough that last $500 had been hanging over my head for quite a while and I tear up even as I type this at how it was provided. The Lord wanted to make sure that there was no doubt in my mind that he provided!

I don't know your name my friend....but thank you for blessing me and thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit even at such a young age. And Amber, thank you for the impact you've had on this girl and for graciously recommending where she give the money. I am blessed!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

look who's turning one

Last Sunday afternoon we gathered to celebrate the birthday of Noah Lee Chandler. I can't believe on the 25th of this month that little guy will be one year old. Man this year has flown and that kiddo has changed my life for the better. I love him to death and his mom and dad too. Here are some pics from his birthday party and man it's tough to narrow them down.

...the birthday boy...

...happy birthday to you...

...checking out the decorations

...loving my cake...

...and loving the attention

The Chandler Family: Amy, Noah and Cory (and baby #2)

...opening presents (love the paper and cards the most)

...just sitting and enjoying the grass...


I am just now getting around to uploading about 400 pictures from my camera and ran across the few I took at our fundraiser night at Splurge Frozen Yogurt. Splurge is a locally owned and operated frozen yogurt bar that I love. The ladies who own it were gracious enough to let Amber and I have a fundraiser one night from 6-9pm. They donated two gift cards for us to raffle off and then donated 10% of their sales from the night and 100% of all tips. It was a smashing success and the owners were blown away that so many people came out to support two individuals for missions. We were their second largest fundraising event...2nd only to the down syndrome foundation...duh, of course they beat us. Here are just some of the people that came out to support us...the place was packed from 6pm until 9pm and it was amazing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

sometimes the best sermons....

....are the ones you preach to yourself!!!

Not really sure where to even start this blog entry, to be honest. It's been a rough month or so in my neck of the woods. I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster. Things I thought were so clear have become muddy and depending on the day I am not real sure which side is up. I can't go into too much detail without incriminating myself or without hurting feelings but I have felt lost the last few weeks on where the Lord is leading me. I'd like to do the easy thing and get back on prozac and feel nothing but my heart knows better than to exclude the beautiful and tender emotions the Lord has graciously given me.

Now that that is all so perfectly clear for you (ha ha)let me tell you about the sermon I had to preach to myself tonight and man was it a powerful one.You know when you're sitting in church and you feel like the preacher has been reading your thoughts and is preaching right at you? Well when you preach to yourself there is no mistaking who it's aimed at...and tonight I was the preacher and the audience. What was the inspiration for my sermon you might ask? Well after a really rough day at work I just needed to not be at home sulking all night so I did what I have come to thoroughly enjoy since I hit my 30's and care less about what others think of me...I went to a movie by myself. I saw "Something Borrowed" which I thoroughly enjoyed. Like most movies there was nothing morally right about it but I needed a good laugh and instead walked out with a sermon illustration. You see in the movie the main character, Rachel is getting ready to be the maid of honor in her best friend's wedding to her long term crush. Isn't that the way it always goes?? Before the end of the movie she puts on her big girl panties and confesses her love for the guy and I won't ruin the ending for those who plan to see it....but as I am driving home processing the movie I say to myself "doesn't it always work out the way it's suppose to"...sigh. As I hear myself say this my thoughts were no longer about the movie plot but became an instant reflection on Romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to whose who are called according to his purposes." And at that moment I just began repeating to myself "God works all things together for MY GOOD when I love him and when I walk according to his purposes for my life! I am not kidding when I say I kept repeating that over and over. Here's the thing...I am in a transitional place right now in my life and I have been more focused on me trying to work things out for my good but clearly that's God's role. My part in all of this is to LOVE HIM and to WALK ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSES and when I do those things he is faithful to do his part.

The funny thing is that I really don't live that far from the movie theater but I had "church" in my car all the way home. As soon as I finished preaching to myself and let that message really sink in I just burst into singing Shane & Shane's "we love you Jesus" that just simply says: "we love you Jesus for so many reasons, for death and life and freedom...even now we love you!" I don't have any more clarity about the next chapter of my life than when I went into the movie and I am okay with that but I know that I can trust God to work things out for my good so I can stop wrestling and beating my head up against a wall as though it all relies on me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

fundraising and hoodlems

Odd title, right? Well this week my time has been consumed by one of the two. This time of year is always interesting on a college campus because wrapping up the year and finishing finals always leaves the natives restless. Seriously, with less than a week left of school students lose their minds. This week has been full of dealing with the police, sitting in disciplinary hearings, breaking up fights, catching thieves...and all this time I thought I was just the Residence Life Director. I am convinced that between my experiences the last five years (yes five years...we will talk about this in a minute) at LC and my addiction to Criminal Minds that I could totally get a job in law enforcement with no formal training. Needless to say that students have seen the crunk side of Kabes this week!

As for five years at LC...that's a record kids. Aside from my time in school I haver never stayed in one place longer than 2 years. At the two year point at LC I made it my personal goal to get to my five year recognition. On Thursday night we had our recognition banquet and I DID IT!! A new record that I am proud to hold.

And then there is fundraising. This week has been all about fundraising for Uganda. I found out two weeks ago that our trip was almost $1000 more than last year because of gas prices. Needless to say this rattled me and my human nature wanted to bow out of the trip but the wise ones in my life reminded me that the Lord will provide. Amber and I quickly put our thinking caps on to figure out how we could raise the money. On Wednesday night one of our local businesses, SPLURGE FROZEN YOGURT,allowed us to do a fundraiser and committed 10% of their sales for the night. In addition, they donated two $20 gift cards for us to raffle off. Between donataions, raffle sales and revenue we made $610 in just three hours. The store owners were blown away at how many people came out to support two individuals. Even after this fundraiser I still had more money to raise. So, today I ran concessions for the Louisiana State Bible Drill which was held on LC's campus. In just four hours I made almost $700. The Lord is so faithful! Not only were the two fundraisers a big success I am still selling necklaces and I have gotten three checks in the mail today that I wasn't expecting. PRAISE THE LORD!! He has left no doubt that #1 he is in control and he is my provider and #2 he wants me in Uganda this summer.

Thanks for your prayers and for keeping up with my life. Sorry to leave you hanging's been crazy around here.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So today I did probably one of the most quirky things I have ever done...and well, that's saying a lot coming from me. I had a hectic day at work with a computer that is crashing from viruses that were probably contracted from Nigeria. I grow to dislike that place a little more every day. Not only did my stuff get stolen from my bag, but my straightner burned up and didn't realize it until Easter morning and now my office computer is dying. I spent most of the morning trying to save documents to a hard drive in case it can't be salvaged. It's also just a busy time of year doing housing assignments for all returning students and the Board of Trustees are here for two days for meetings. All that to say I was running around all day, non stop, and was ready to leave the office when 5pm rolled around. I knew if I went home I would sink into the couch only to arise for bed at an early time so I decided to pick Matti up and go "out" for a little while. I stopped by our local snow cone stand and got a peach snow cone with cream on top and then drove around looking for an adventure. The local park doesn't allow dogs and the park that does is a little bit of a drive and lets not kid ourselves with gas prices the way they are...I wasn't ready to venture too far. So where did we end up??? A cemetery. Yep! You know you've had a rough day and just might be an introvert when you prefer to hang out with dead people. I just parked the car and walked Matti around the grounds while enjoying my peaches and cream treat. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and will probably make this a routine kind of outing. I realize I am weird but you take what you can get in a small town.

Here's hoping your Thursday was not as hectic or quirky as mine. If you're reading this please join me praying for my home state...ALABAMA...that was ravaged by tornadoes on Wednesday. As I watch the news and see pictures I am heart broken for the people who had to start putting what was left of their lives back together as the sun came up this morning. Tuscaloosa, home of the University of Alabama...Crimson Tide...was all but demolished. I never thought I would see the day where this college rivalry wouldn't matter but today was that day. My prayers are with the students, faculty, staff and all those in the community that won't be back to life as normal for a long time to come. Praise be to God that the casualties were much less than they certainly could have been....and may he be glorified in the midst of this as people come together to help and serve one another. "We will praise you in this storm!"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday~Resurrection Day

I love Easter! I feel like everything comes to life and it should. Today marks the day that our lives and our futures were forever changed. Jesus Christ took the full wrath of God in our place...endured a shameful/painful death and then defeated death so that we could be made right with God and live forever in His presence. Praise the Lord for Resurrection Sunday.

When I was a teenager I always chuckled when we sang this song on Easter...the music just always seemed corny to me, but as I have gotten older it has become one of my favorites. In fact Easter doesn't seem complete if I have not heard it or sung it.I actually woke on Friday morning and started singing it as I thought about all that Friday stood for. What song you may ask? Well here are the lyrics and if you got to sing it in church this morning know that I am jealous!

Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Savior.
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord.

Up from the grave he arose!
With a mighty triumph o'er his foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with the saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Vainly they watch his bed, Jesus my Savior.
Vainly they seal the dead, Jesus my Lord.

Up from the grave he arose!
With a mighty triumph o'er his foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with the saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Death cannot keeps it's prey, Jesus my Savior.
He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord.

Up from the grave he arose!
With a mighty triumph o'er his foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with the saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!

So thankful for this day and getting to spend it with my Pineville family...the Chandlers. Last year we were celebrating and awaiting Noah Lee's arrival. It was fun to have him around this year and I'm looking forward to next year when he is walking and we can hunt easter eggs.