Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back to School....:

Yesterday was day one of my CS Lewis class and I am even more excited now than I was before. We have quite the reading list for the semester and I am beyond thrilled to add 10 CS Lewis books to my personal library. Here is the run down of what we will be reading and the order that we're reading them:

Surprised by Joy
Till We Have Faces
The Screwtape Letters
Abolition of Man
The Weight of Glory
A Grief Observed

Surprised by Joy is CS Lewis' autobiography which so far has been quite good. I love reading about the humble beginnings of a man who has had such an incredible impact in literature and is considered to be one of the greatest theologians of all time. Cheers to ya Jack Lewis!! After Surprised by Joy we will start Till We Have Faces, which Lewis writes in his autobiography is the book he considers his best and most meaningful can I not get excited about that?

Happy reading.....

1 comment:

nic said...

Til we have faces is quite possibly hands down my favorite book of all time. Hope you LOVE it. So wish I could sit in on this class too!