Saturday, January 15, 2011

Graham Gene Charles Rice

I have been so blessed to be aunt Kabes to the kids of my dearest friends for years now. On Thursday I got to welcome my newest nephew, Graham, to the bunch. I've only seen a picture but I love him already. He weighed 8lbs and 10oz and was 19 inches long.
Graham has been in the NICU under observation since he was born because he has fluid in his lungs making his breathing labored. The fluid is also putting pressure on one of the valves of his heart causing a murmur. Please pray for Graham if you're reading this. Because of his condition Jen has not yet gotten to nurse him and the delay is causing problems on her end now that they need to be able to give him milk. I realize that is a weird request but most of the people who read my blog are woman and you understand. Jen would be crushed if they had to start Graham on formula...she's just a granola mom and desperately wants to be able to nurse and I pray she gets to do just that!

Thanks in advance for your prayers for Jen and for Graham. I am hoping and praying that not only will he get to nurse but before the end of the weekend he will be tubes and IV free and ready to be held by his big sis Evie and his precious grandmother who I call Mama Karen. I know they can't wait to get this little man home.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey girl! You are precious. Thanks so much for the prayers! I am pumping now and they started feeding G via tube today my expressed milk. The nurses say he is resting better because of the feeding, so we are just waiting for his breathing issues to resolve and for my milk to continue to come in to meet his growing need. It isn't ideal, but we serve a Sovereign God whose ways and thoughts are higher than ours and who promises peace beyond our understanding. I will update as we know more. Much love!