Sunday, January 30, 2011

my ordinary is quite extraordinary

This weekend has been filled with rest and relaxtion...just being a good ole home body, which I love. On Friday evening I was in my jammies by 6pm with dinner in the oven and two redbox movies to enjoy by myself. To some that would seem boring or lonely but it was quite welcomed. I watched "Secretariat" and absolutely loved it. On Saturday I got to sleep in a bit and then spent most of the late morning and afternoon with Amy and Noah. An afternoon on the town with two of my favorite people was just what the heart needed. The rest of the afternoon I spent running errands pricing things for the new home office renovation. And today...well today was spent pulling the home office together. I made some minor changes to the plan and all is done except putting some shelves above my desk. Pictures to come! I love it and look forward to spending some quality time in there working on Acres of Hope stuff.
So as you can see quite an ordinary weekend...but to me it was quite extraordinary. The house is clean, the last bit of laundry is going now and I am ready to start this week with everything in order.

*the picture above is one of my projects for the home office. I've had this window for a while but couldn't figure out what to do with it...I love the finished project!

1 comment:

nic said...

woohoo! dearjoe font! haha. I recognize that everywhere.