Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 16: "solitaire"

So remember the time I got stood up by all my workout partners? Yeah that was today! So guess who got a full workout with Hayden's undivided attention and let me assure you that is not a good thing! Another brutal workout with lots of new stuff added in. I don't think I like Hayden's philosophy that every workout should be the hardest workout I've done. That's the kind of thinking that will kill a fat kid...but I suppose that's the point, huh?

Today was a lot of shoulder work again. Have I mentioned that I hate push ups? There was also lots of squats...Hayden still hasn't gotten the memo about the thighs not needing to grow. And then we ran snakes...that sounds fun doesn't it. A snake is running the width of the field then doing a shuffle run side ways to the next five yard line and then run backwards the width of the field. And then do it over and over and over again. For the record I also hate running backwards. I feel retarded when I run backwards. One day I am going to learn to keep my mouth shut about the things I hate doing because those are the things Hayden loves to make me do. In fact, when it came time to run 110s you better believe he made me run one backwards without stopping for 110 yards. Needless to say that I love and appreciate Hayden but today I didn't like him! And I am not happy with Sara and Emily for standing me up. It is on come Wednesday ladies!

On a non-workout note...I got passport photos done today and sent off my passport to be renewed. I have 7 1/2 weeks until we leave for Uganda which means that passport needs to come back ASAP. It also means that I have 38 more pounds to lose. YIKES!I may be a chunky monkey but I have aged well. Surprisingly enough I look younger in the new passport photo than I did 10 years ago when I had it made...go me!

Happy Monday friends....and Happy Birthday Bono! And for the record, Noah is still hanging in there. I am so ready for that kiddo to be born!

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