Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I was feeling froggy yesterday, apparently. I went to workout with Emily at 5:30pm like normal. Right now I am limited to what I can do because of my pulled hamstring but I did what I could. Are you ready for this...I ran TWO MILES! I ran the first mile in 12 minutes. I have never run a 12 minute mile. I was feeling so good when it was over that I looked at Emily and said "let's go for two!" Emily thought I was kidding until I started running down the field as she headed to the bathroom. I ran another one and was feeling great! I can't believe how strong I am getting and how good I feel. In fact, Sara doesn't get to workout with us on Wednesdays because of church so I told her I would go run with her after church. So after running with Em...I went for another run with Sara. And...I ran another two miles. I've never run 4 miles in my life collectively until yesterday.

I had another milestone yesterday. Ever since we started working out with Hayden I am the only one who cannot do girl push ups. I have to do my push-ups on a bench so that I am not having to hold all of my own body weight. After running two miles I felt like it was at least worth a shot to see if I have gotten strong enough to do a push-up from the ground...AND I DID! I did about 15 without blinking an eye. Who am I? A strong, determined, weight losing machine!

After running four miles yesterday I am convinced that before the end of the summer I can be ready to RUN, not walk a that is my goal. After completing a 5K my next goal is doing a triathlon. I'm loving life right now and feeling better than I ever remember feeling. My clothes are getting too big and I am losing inches like crazy. I have lost 2.5 inches on my neck, 4 inches off my hips, 2 inches off my waist and an inch off both arms, both thighs and both calves. YEAH!!!


Unknown said...

KB! You might not remember me, but I was one of your students at LSU! I love reading your blog and all about your journey...I'm so excited for you! You are doing awesome. Just wanted to say hi and that I'm cheering for you!

Natalie Gullatt

nic said...

you = awesome.

Shannon said...

im obsessed with this!!!